cron: 18 8,18 * * *
const $ = new Env("图虫")
const _0x276aa6 = _0x589c;
(function(_0x1751d9, _0x38b3f0) {
const _0xedb4cc = _0x589c,
_0xf4c488 = _0x1751d9();
while (!![]) {
try {
const _0x12301c = -parseInt(_0xedb4cc(0x1d0)) / 0x1 * (parseInt(_0xedb4cc(0x1b6)) / 0x2) + -parseInt(_0xedb4cc(0x1a7)) / 0x3 + parseInt(_0xedb4cc(0x187)) / 0x4 * (parseInt(_0xedb4cc(0x1d7)) / 0x5) + -parseInt(_0xedb4cc(0x199)) / 0x6 * (-parseInt(_0xedb4cc(0x155)) / 0x7) + -parseInt(_0xedb4cc(0x1bc)) / 0x8 * (parseInt(_0xedb4cc(0x15d)) / 0x9) + -parseInt(_0xedb4cc(0x16e)) / 0xa + -parseInt(_0xedb4cc(0x185)) / 0xb * (-parseInt(_0xedb4cc(0x184)) / 0xc);
if (_0x12301c === _0x38b3f0) break;
else _0xf4c488['push'](_0xf4c488['shift']());
} catch (_0x3644a4) {
}(_0x5e2e, 0x1d5c5));
const $ = new Env('图虫');
let envSplitor = ['@', '\x0a'],
result, resurq, resurp, userList = [],
usid = 0x0,
userCount = 0x0,
OooOo = _0x276aa6(0x157),
userCookie = ($[_0x276aa6(0x1e4)]() ? process[_0x276aa6(0x146)][OooOo] : $['getdata'](OooOo)) || '';
class UserInfo {
constructor(_0x148f08) {
const _0x36bd07 = _0x276aa6;
this['_'] = ++usid, this['f'] = _0x36bd07(0x144) + this['_'] + ']\x20', this['ck'] = _0x148f08[_0x36bd07(0x1d9)]('#'), this['i'] = this['ck'][0x0], this['p'] = this['ck'][0x1];
async [_0x276aa6(0x1d2)]() {
const _0x2b35dd = _0x276aa6;
await this[_0x2b35dd(0x195)](), await this['signin'](), await this[_0x2b35dd(0x16c)](), await this[_0x2b35dd(0x16a)](), await this[_0x2b35dd(0x182)]();
async [_0x276aa6(0x195)]() {
const _0x100d5d = _0x276aa6;
this['ts'] = Math[_0x100d5d(0x18e)](new Date()[_0x100d5d(0x161)]())['toString'](), this['h'] = {
'version': '7391',
'channel': _0x100d5d(0x194),
'accept-encoding': 'gzip',
'Host': _0x100d5d(0x1b8),
'platform': 'android',
'host-name': _0x100d5d(0x1b8),
'content-type': _0x100d5d(0x18c),
'content-length': '40',
'user-agent': _0x100d5d(0x151)
}, this[_0x100d5d(0x1ae)] = 'password=' + this['p'] + _0x100d5d(0x175) + this['i'], await httpRequest(_0x100d5d(0x17f), popu('https://api.tuchong.com/accounts/login?language=zh&device_platform=android&os_api=30&_rticket=' + this['ts'] + '&app_name=tuchong', this['h'], this[_0x100d5d(0x1ae)])), this[_0x100d5d(0x150)] = result[_0x100d5d(0x150)], console[_0x100d5d(0x138)](this['f'] + ':' + result['message']);
async [_0x276aa6(0x168)]() {
const _0x94ba6c = _0x276aa6;
this['h'] = {
'accept': _0x94ba6c(0x1b3),
'token': '' + this[_0x94ba6c(0x150)],
'accept-encoding': _0x94ba6c(0x141),
'Host': 'm.tuchong.com',
'platform': _0x94ba6c(0x166),
'cookie': 'token=' + this[_0x94ba6c(0x150)],
'referer': 'https://m.tuchong.com/app-point?no_more=1&no_inset=1',
'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'x-requested-with': _0x94ba6c(0x1b2),
'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0\x20(Linux;\x20Android\x2011;\x20M2011K2C\x20Build/RKQ1.200928.002;\x20wv)\x20AppleWebKit/537.36\x20(KHTML,\x20like\x20Gecko)\x20Version/4.0\x20Chrome/86.0.4240.185\x20Mobile\x20Safari/537.36\x20Tuchong/7.39.1(android)'
}, await httpRequest(_0x94ba6c(0x1e5), popu('https://m.tuchong.com/tuchongrest/point/check-in', this['h'])), console[_0x94ba6c(0x138)](this['f'] + _0x94ba6c(0x1c2) + result['message']);
async [_0x276aa6(0x16c)]() {
const _0x759d88 = _0x276aa6;
this['h'] = {
'accept': _0x759d88(0x1b3),
'token': '' + this[_0x759d88(0x150)],
'accept-encoding': _0x759d88(0x141),
'Host': _0x759d88(0x162),
'platform': _0x759d88(0x166),
'cookie': _0x759d88(0x1cf) + this[_0x759d88(0x150)],
'referer': 'https://m.tuchong.com/app-point?no_more=1&no_inset=1',
'content-type': _0x759d88(0x18c),
'x-requested-with': _0x759d88(0x1b2),
'user-agent': _0x759d88(0x1d4)
}, await httpRequest(_0x759d88(0x1e5), popu('https://m.tuchong.com/tuchonggapi/reward/point/box', this['h'])), console[_0x759d88(0x138)](this['f'] + _0x759d88(0x1db) + result[_0x759d88(0x1c1)]);
async [_0x276aa6(0x16a)]() {
const _0x52e800 = _0x276aa6;
this['ts'] = Math['round'](new Date()[_0x52e800(0x161)]())['toString'](), this['h'] = {
'version': _0x52e800(0x179),
'channel': _0x52e800(0x194),
'accept-encoding': 'gzip',
'Host': _0x52e800(0x17d),
'platform': _0x52e800(0x166),
'host-name': _0x52e800(0x17d),
'content-type': _0x52e800(0x18c),
'content-length': '0',
'user-agent': 'okhttp/3.12.2\x20com.ss.android.tuchong\x20(Tuchong:\x207391\x207.39.1)\x20(Android:\x2011\x2030)'
}, await httpRequest(_0x52e800(0x1e5), popu(_0x52e800(0x1de) + this['ts'] + '&app_name=tuchong', this['h'])), this['feedid'] = result[_0x52e800(0x186)][0x1]['data_id'], console[_0x52e800(0x138)](this['f'] + ':点赞列表获取成功,id:' + this['feedid']), await this[_0x52e800(0x1ac)](), await this[_0x52e800(0x15c)](), await this[_0x52e800(0x1a8)]();
async ['dzan']() {
const _0x3fb2f7 = _0x276aa6;
this['h'] = {
'version': _0x3fb2f7(0x179),
'channel': _0x3fb2f7(0x194),
'token': '' + this[_0x3fb2f7(0x150)],
'accept-encoding': _0x3fb2f7(0x1c9),
'Host': 'tuchong.com',
'platform': _0x3fb2f7(0x166),
'host-name': 'tuchong.com',
'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'content-length': '17',
'user-agent': _0x3fb2f7(0x151)
}, this['data'] = _0x3fb2f7(0x1c0) + this[_0x3fb2f7(0x17b)], await httpRequest(_0x3fb2f7(0x167), popu(_0x3fb2f7(0x1dd) + this['ts'] + _0x3fb2f7(0x14d), this['h'], this[_0x3fb2f7(0x1ae)])), console['log'](this['f'] + ':' + result['message']);
async [_0x276aa6(0x15c)]() {
const _0x3adfb0 = _0x276aa6;
this['t'] = _0x3adfb0(0x197), this['h'] = {
'version': _0x3adfb0(0x179),
'channel': _0x3adfb0(0x194),
'token': '' + this['token'],
'accept-encoding': 'gzip',
'Host': _0x3adfb0(0x1b8),
'platform': _0x3adfb0(0x166),
'host-name': 'api.tuchong.com',
'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'content-length': '89',
'user-agent': _0x3adfb0(0x151)
}, this[_0x3adfb0(0x1ae)] = _0x3adfb0(0x18b) + this['t'] + _0x3adfb0(0x18a), await httpRequest(_0x3adfb0(0x17f), popu(_0x3adfb0(0x1a5) + this[_0x3adfb0(0x17b)] + _0x3adfb0(0x152) + this['ts'] + _0x3adfb0(0x14d), this['h'], this[_0x3adfb0(0x1ae)])), console[_0x3adfb0(0x138)](this['f'] + _0x3adfb0(0x178) + result[_0x3adfb0(0x1c1)]);
async [_0x276aa6(0x1a8)]() {
const _0x4e8865 = _0x276aa6;
this['h'] = {
'version': '7391',
'channel': 'xiaomi',
'token': '' + this[_0x4e8865(0x150)],
'accept-encoding': _0x4e8865(0x1c9),
'Host': 'tuchong.com',
'platform': 'android',
'host-name': _0x4e8865(0x17d),
'content-type': _0x4e8865(0x18c),
'content-length': '16',
'user-agent': _0x4e8865(0x151)
}, this[_0x4e8865(0x1ae)] = _0x4e8865(0x137) + this[_0x4e8865(0x17b)], await httpRequest(_0x4e8865(0x167), popu(_0x4e8865(0x1df) + this['ts'] + '&app_name=tuchong', this['h'], this[_0x4e8865(0x1ae)])), console[_0x4e8865(0x138)](this['f'] + ':' + result[_0x4e8865(0x191)]);
async ['sharelist']() {
const _0x1b6bff = _0x276aa6;
this['sz'] = rand(0x1, 0xa), this['ts'] = Math[_0x1b6bff(0x18e)](new Date()[_0x1b6bff(0x161)]())[_0x1b6bff(0x15f)](), this['h'] = {
'version': '7391',
'channel': _0x1b6bff(0x194),
'accept-encoding': 'gzip',
'Host': _0x1b6bff(0x17d),
'platform': 'android',
'host-name': _0x1b6bff(0x17d),
'content-type': _0x1b6bff(0x18c),
'user-agent': 'okhttp/3.12.2\x20com.ss.android.tuchong\x20(Tuchong:\x207391\x207.39.1)\x20(Android:\x2011\x2030)'
}, await httpRequest(_0x1b6bff(0x1e5), popu(_0x1b6bff(0x192) + this['ts'] + _0x1b6bff(0x14d), this['h'])), this['shareid'] = result[_0x1b6bff(0x186)][this['sz']][_0x1b6bff(0x13f)], this[_0x1b6bff(0x13e)] = result[_0x1b6bff(0x186)][this['sz']][_0x1b6bff(0x15b)][_0x1b6bff(0x139)][_0x1b6bff(0x180)], console[_0x1b6bff(0x138)](this['f'] + _0x1b6bff(0x174) + this[_0x1b6bff(0x1cb)]), await this['share']();
async [_0x276aa6(0x1aa)]() {
const _0x47eadf = _0x276aa6;
this['h'] = {
'version': '7391',
'channel': _0x47eadf(0x194),
'token': '' + this[_0x47eadf(0x150)],
'accept-encoding': 'gzip',
'Host': _0x47eadf(0x1b8),
'platform': 'android',
'host-name': _0x47eadf(0x1b8),
'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'content-length': '89',
'user-agent': _0x47eadf(0x151)
}, this[_0x47eadf(0x1ae)] = _0x47eadf(0x1bb) + this[_0x47eadf(0x1cb)] + _0x47eadf(0x183) + this[_0x47eadf(0x13e)] + '&platform=WechatFriend', await httpRequest(_0x47eadf(0x17f), popu(_0x47eadf(0x1ce) + this['ts'] + _0x47eadf(0x14d), this['h'], this[_0x47eadf(0x1ae)])), console[_0x47eadf(0x138)](this['f'] + _0x47eadf(0x148) + result[_0x47eadf(0x1c1)]);
}!(async () => {
if (!await checkEnv()) return;
for (let _0x2f2457 of userList) await _0x2f2457['task']();
})()[_0x276aa6(0x1b5)](_0x6de841 => console[_0x276aa6(0x138)](_0x6de841))[_0x276aa6(0x132)](() => $[_0x276aa6(0x149)]());
function encrypt(_0x44be28) {
const _0x20debe = _0x276aa6;
return CryptoJS[_0x20debe(0x171)][_0x20debe(0x143)](_0x44be28, CryptoJS['enc'][_0x20debe(0x176)]['parse'](key), {
'iv': CryptoJS[_0x20debe(0x1d1)][_0x20debe(0x176)]['parse'](iv),
'mode': CryptoJS['mode'][_0x20debe(0x154)],
'padding': CryptoJS[_0x20debe(0x1a4)][_0x20debe(0x19d)]
function decrypt(_0x18ca52) {
const _0x1ed0fd = _0x276aa6;
return CryptoJS['AES'][_0x1ed0fd(0x1e6)](_0x18ca52, CryptoJS['enc'][_0x1ed0fd(0x176)][_0x1ed0fd(0x170)](key), {
'iv': CryptoJS[_0x1ed0fd(0x1d1)][_0x1ed0fd(0x176)][_0x1ed0fd(0x170)](iv),
'mode': CryptoJS[_0x1ed0fd(0x19b)][_0x1ed0fd(0x154)],
'padding': CryptoJS[_0x1ed0fd(0x1a4)][_0x1ed0fd(0x19d)]
function rand(_0x17279f, _0x41778e) {
const _0x166924 = _0x276aa6;
return parseInt(Math[_0x166924(0x177)]() * (_0x41778e - _0x17279f + 0x1) + _0x17279f, 0xa);
function _0x5e2e() {
const _0x967031 = ['body', 'url', 'json2str', 'gzip', 'qwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnmQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM1234567890', 'shareid', 'string', '\x20开始运行:\x0a', 'https://api.tuchong.com/share/recall?_rticket=', 'token=', '6TiTxAQ', 'enc', 'task', 'read', 'Mozilla/5.0\x20(Linux;\x20Android\x2011;\x20M2011K2C\x20Build/RKQ1.200928.002;\x20wv)\x20AppleWebKit/537.36\x20(KHTML,\x20like\x20Gecko)\x20Version/4.0\x20Chrome/86.0.4240.185\x20Mobile\x20Safari/537.36\x20Tuchong/7.39.1(android)', 'randomString', 'getMin', '368185hGWsWe', 'charCodeAt', 'split', 'getMonth', ':开宝箱:', 'push', 'https://tuchong.com/gapi/interactive/favorite?_rticket=', 'https://tuchong.com/gapi/feed/app?language=zh&device_platform=android&os_api=30&_rticket=', 'https://tuchong.com/gapi/interactive/follow?_rticket=', 'headers', '\x20运行结束,共运行了\x20', 'openUrl', 'then', 'isNode', 'get', 'decrypt', 'open-url', 'loaddata', 'getval', 'indexOf', 'finally', '个账号', 'exit', './sendNotify', 'send', 'site_id=', 'log', 'author', 'setval', 'isLoon', 'toUpperCase', 'isQuanX', 'auid', 'data_id', '找到\x20', 'gzip,\x20deflate', '-----BEGIN\x20PUBLIC\x20KEY-----\x0a', 'encrypt', '账号\x20[', 'lodash_get', 'env', 'getMax', ':分享:', 'done', 'exec', 'getMilliseconds', 'getdata', '&app_name=tuchong', 'getFullYear', 'Content-Length', 'token', 'okhttp/3.12.2\x20com.ss.android.tuchong\x20(Tuchong:\x207391\x207.39.1)\x20(Android:\x2011\x2030)', '/comments?_rticket=', 'extend', 'CBC', '6244QwlUUG', 'xxxxx', 'Tcck', '\x0a==============\x20推送\x20==============', 'substr', 'wait', 'entry', 'plun', '81upWkEs', 'name', 'toString', 'isSurge', 'getTime', 'm.tuchong.com', 'stringify', 'time', 'getDate', 'android', 'put', 'signin', 'test', 'feedlist', 'undefined', 'box', 'fromCharCode', '2356480yauEct', 'startTime', 'parse', 'AES', 'null', 'utf8', ':分享列表获取成功,id:', '&account=', 'Utf8', 'random', ':评论:', '7391', 'delete', 'feedid', 'object', 'tuchong.com', '==============\x20系统通知\x20==============', 'post', 'author_id', 'sendNotify', 'sharelist', '&content_type=video&author_id=', '12VwnWyV', '4211603yLTkMM', 'feedList', '8GaeVgJ', 'opts', 'floor', '&reply_to_note_id=0', 'parent_note_id=0&content=', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', '\x20秒!', 'round', 'isMute', 'join', 'message', 'https://tuchong.com/gapi/feed/app/video?_rticket=', 'isNeedRewrite', 'xiaomi', 'login', 'Content-Type', '大佬们,求个赞😘', 'assign', '1362eJwqde', 'timeout', 'mode', 'msg', 'ZeroPadding', 'getHours', 'logAndNotify', 'charAt', 'setOptions', 'keys', 'base64', 'pad', 'https://api.tuchong.com/3/posts/', 'instance', '701235qSLblt', 'foll', '无效的http方法:', 'share', 'abcdef0123456789', 'dzan', 'getMinutes', 'data', 'randomList', 'valueForKey', 'showmsg', 'com.ss.android.tuchong', 'application/json,\x20text/plain,\x20*/*', 'length', 'catch', '1318tLtzeG', 'mediaUrl', 'api.tuchong.com', 'replace', 'padStr', 'share_id=', '123576SyIWyv', 'toLowerCase', 'getSeconds', 'got', 'post_id=', 'result', ':签到:', 'exports', 'media-url', 'notifyStr'];
_0x5e2e = function() {
return _0x967031;
return _0x5e2e();
function MD5Encrypt(_0x34fcc9) {
const _0x4349d0 = _0x276aa6;
function _0xa900b2(_0x8097ce, _0x281d5e) {
return _0x8097ce << _0x281d5e | _0x8097ce >>> 0x20 - _0x281d5e;
function _0x2e01ab(_0x9325f7, _0xeb521c) {
var _0x2b003a, _0x5f1fec, _0x28322c, _0x4e0ef7, _0x31990c;
return _0x28322c = 0x80000000 & _0x9325f7, _0x4e0ef7 = 0x80000000 & _0xeb521c, _0x2b003a = 0x40000000 & _0x9325f7, _0x5f1fec = 0x40000000 & _0xeb521c, _0x31990c = (0x3fffffff & _0x9325f7) + (0x3fffffff & _0xeb521c), _0x2b003a & _0x5f1fec ? 0x80000000 ^ _0x31990c ^ _0x28322c ^ _0x4e0ef7 : _0x2b003a | _0x5f1fec ? 0x40000000 & _0x31990c ? 0xc0000000 ^ _0x31990c ^ _0x28322c ^ _0x4e0ef7 : 0x40000000 ^ _0x31990c ^ _0x28322c ^ _0x4e0ef7 : _0x31990c ^ _0x28322c ^ _0x4e0ef7;
function _0x593bee(_0x1e732c, _0x4e1a19, _0x2cb4e1, _0x5ea0c6, _0x240279, _0x52c1de, _0x36e488) {
var _0x52e525, _0x50d683;
return _0x1e732c = _0x2e01ab(_0x1e732c, _0x2e01ab(_0x2e01ab((_0x52e525 = _0x4e1a19) & (_0x50d683 = _0x2cb4e1) | ~_0x52e525 & _0x5ea0c6, _0x240279), _0x36e488)), _0x2e01ab(_0xa900b2(_0x1e732c, _0x52c1de), _0x4e1a19);
function _0x10713c(_0x535b40, _0x18d2dd, _0x2f9d4e, _0x7ae4f0, _0xbab1f3, _0x50d513, _0x42111e) {
var _0xdf8cb1, _0x2ca8f9, _0x2aab0d;
return _0x535b40 = _0x2e01ab(_0x535b40, _0x2e01ab(_0x2e01ab((_0xdf8cb1 = _0x18d2dd, _0x2ca8f9 = _0x2f9d4e, _0xdf8cb1 & (_0x2aab0d = _0x7ae4f0) | _0x2ca8f9 & ~_0x2aab0d), _0xbab1f3), _0x42111e)), _0x2e01ab(_0xa900b2(_0x535b40, _0x50d513), _0x18d2dd);
function _0x430073(_0x4f8d32, _0x27c365, _0x3e25e1, _0x27a630, _0x54b03c, _0x2445ef, _0x56225f) {
var _0x569f6d, _0x4162ae;
return _0x4f8d32 = _0x2e01ab(_0x4f8d32, _0x2e01ab(_0x2e01ab((_0x569f6d = _0x27c365) ^ (_0x4162ae = _0x3e25e1) ^ _0x27a630, _0x54b03c), _0x56225f)), _0x2e01ab(_0xa900b2(_0x4f8d32, _0x2445ef), _0x27c365);
function _0x58d650(_0x1fe593, _0x3b32ae, _0x3a0931, _0x36c543, _0x1f0eae, _0x427666, _0x3e70f3) {
var _0xb21f6c, _0x30a7c8;
return _0x1fe593 = _0x2e01ab(_0x1fe593, _0x2e01ab(_0x2e01ab((_0xb21f6c = _0x3b32ae, (_0x30a7c8 = _0x3a0931) ^ (_0xb21f6c | ~_0x36c543)), _0x1f0eae), _0x3e70f3)), _0x2e01ab(_0xa900b2(_0x1fe593, _0x427666), _0x3b32ae);
function _0x456d58(_0x4ffb7d) {
const _0x5b8d2b = _0x589c;
var _0x4be6a2, _0x456799 = '',
_0xc23ec6 = '';
for (_0x4be6a2 = 0x0; 0x3 >= _0x4be6a2; _0x4be6a2++) _0x456799 += (_0xc23ec6 = '0' + (_0x4ffb7d >>> 0x8 * _0x4be6a2 & 0xff)[_0x5b8d2b(0x15f)](0x10))[_0x5b8d2b(0x159)](_0xc23ec6[_0x5b8d2b(0x1b4)] - 0x2, 0x2);
return _0x456799;
var _0x5babd7, _0x1c6afa, _0x4fb72f, _0x501cfa, _0x2bf2fe, _0x31dc48, _0x2c26f, _0x178212, _0x228782, _0x13d4ed = [];
for (_0x13d4ed = function(_0x4e7a28) {
const _0x45a675 = _0x589c;
for (var _0x55f211, _0x2ac714 = _0x4e7a28[_0x45a675(0x1b4)], _0x56ac40 = _0x2ac714 + 0x8, _0x14196e = 0x10 * ((_0x56ac40 - _0x56ac40 % 0x40) / 0x40 + 0x1), _0x4c9fc4 = Array(_0x14196e - 0x1), _0x57443b = 0x0, _0x3754d3 = 0x0; _0x2ac714 > _0x3754d3;) _0x55f211 = (_0x3754d3 - _0x3754d3 % 0x4) / 0x4, _0x57443b = _0x3754d3 % 0x4 * 0x8, _0x4c9fc4[_0x55f211] = _0x4c9fc4[_0x55f211] | _0x4e7a28['charCodeAt'](_0x3754d3) << _0x57443b, _0x3754d3++;
return _0x55f211 = (_0x3754d3 - _0x3754d3 % 0x4) / 0x4, _0x57443b = _0x3754d3 % 0x4 * 0x8, _0x4c9fc4[_0x55f211] = _0x4c9fc4[_0x55f211] | 0x80 << _0x57443b, _0x4c9fc4[_0x14196e - 0x2] = _0x2ac714 << 0x3, _0x4c9fc4[_0x14196e - 0x1] = _0x2ac714 >>> 0x1d, _0x4c9fc4;
}(_0x34fcc9 = function(_0x4e1bf9) {
const _0x4767e6 = _0x589c;
_0x4e1bf9 = _0x4e1bf9[_0x4767e6(0x1b9)](/\r\n/g, '\x0a');
for (var _0xee250d = '', _0x23ce62 = 0x0; _0x23ce62 < _0x4e1bf9[_0x4767e6(0x1b4)]; _0x23ce62++) {
var _0x92dabb = _0x4e1bf9[_0x4767e6(0x1d8)](_0x23ce62);
0x80 > _0x92dabb ? _0xee250d += String[_0x4767e6(0x16d)](_0x92dabb) : _0x92dabb > 0x7f && 0x800 > _0x92dabb ? (_0xee250d += String[_0x4767e6(0x16d)](_0x92dabb >> 0x6 | 0xc0), _0xee250d += String[_0x4767e6(0x16d)](0x3f & _0x92dabb | 0x80)) : (_0xee250d += String[_0x4767e6(0x16d)](_0x92dabb >> 0xc | 0xe0), _0xee250d += String[_0x4767e6(0x16d)](_0x92dabb >> 0x6 & 0x3f | 0x80), _0xee250d += String[_0x4767e6(0x16d)](0x3f & _0x92dabb | 0x80));
return _0xee250d;
}(_0x34fcc9)), _0x31dc48 = 0x67452301, _0x2c26f = 0xefcdab89, _0x178212 = 0x98badcfe, _0x228782 = 0x10325476, _0x5babd7 = 0x0; _0x5babd7 < _0x13d4ed['length']; _0x5babd7 += 0x10) _0x1c6afa = _0x31dc48, _0x4fb72f = _0x2c26f, _0x501cfa = _0x178212, _0x2bf2fe = _0x228782, _0x31dc48 = _0x593bee(_0x31dc48, _0x2c26f, _0x178212, _0x228782, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0x0], 0x7, 0xd76aa478), _0x228782 = _0x593bee(_0x228782, _0x31dc48, _0x2c26f, _0x178212, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0x1], 0xc, 0xe8c7b756), _0x178212 = _0x593bee(_0x178212, _0x228782, _0x31dc48, _0x2c26f, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0x2], 0x11, 0x242070db), _0x2c26f = _0x593bee(_0x2c26f, _0x178212, _0x228782, _0x31dc48, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0x3], 0x16, 0xc1bdceee), _0x31dc48 = _0x593bee(_0x31dc48, _0x2c26f, _0x178212, _0x228782, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0x4], 0x7, 0xf57c0faf), _0x228782 = _0x593bee(_0x228782, _0x31dc48, _0x2c26f, _0x178212, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0x5], 0xc, 0x4787c62a), _0x178212 = _0x593bee(_0x178212, _0x228782, _0x31dc48, _0x2c26f, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0x6], 0x11, 0xa8304613), _0x2c26f = _0x593bee(_0x2c26f, _0x178212, _0x228782, _0x31dc48, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0x7], 0x16, 0xfd469501), _0x31dc48 = _0x593bee(_0x31dc48, _0x2c26f, _0x178212, _0x228782, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0x8], 0x7, 0x698098d8), _0x228782 = _0x593bee(_0x228782, _0x31dc48, _0x2c26f, _0x178212, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0x9], 0xc, 0x8b44f7af), _0x178212 = _0x593bee(_0x178212, _0x228782, _0x31dc48, _0x2c26f, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0xa], 0x11, 0xffff5bb1), _0x2c26f = _0x593bee(_0x2c26f, _0x178212, _0x228782, _0x31dc48, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0xb], 0x16, 0x895cd7be), _0x31dc48 = _0x593bee(_0x31dc48, _0x2c26f, _0x178212, _0x228782, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0xc], 0x7, 0x6b901122), _0x228782 = _0x593bee(_0x228782, _0x31dc48, _0x2c26f, _0x178212, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0xd], 0xc, 0xfd987193), _0x178212 = _0x593bee(_0x178212, _0x228782, _0x31dc48, _0x2c26f, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0xe], 0x11, 0xa679438e), _0x2c26f = _0x593bee(_0x2c26f, _0x178212, _0x228782, _0x31dc48, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0xf], 0x16, 0x49b40821), _0x31dc48 = _0x10713c(_0x31dc48, _0x2c26f, _0x178212, _0x228782, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0x1], 0x5, 0xf61e2562), _0x228782 = _0x10713c(_0x228782, _0x31dc48, _0x2c26f, _0x178212, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0x6], 0x9, 0xc040b340), _0x178212 = _0x10713c(_0x178212, _0x228782, _0x31dc48, _0x2c26f, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0xb], 0xe, 0x265e5a51), _0x2c26f = _0x10713c(_0x2c26f, _0x178212, _0x228782, _0x31dc48, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0x0], 0x14, 0xe9b6c7aa), _0x31dc48 = _0x10713c(_0x31dc48, _0x2c26f, _0x178212, _0x228782, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0x5], 0x5, 0xd62f105d), _0x228782 = _0x10713c(_0x228782, _0x31dc48, _0x2c26f, _0x178212, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0xa], 0x9, 0x2441453), _0x178212 = _0x10713c(_0x178212, _0x228782, _0x31dc48, _0x2c26f, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0xf], 0xe, 0xd8a1e681), _0x2c26f = _0x10713c(_0x2c26f, _0x178212, _0x228782, _0x31dc48, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0x4], 0x14, 0xe7d3fbc8), _0x31dc48 = _0x10713c(_0x31dc48, _0x2c26f, _0x178212, _0x228782, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0x9], 0x5, 0x21e1cde6), _0x228782 = _0x10713c(_0x228782, _0x31dc48, _0x2c26f, _0x178212, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0xe], 0x9, 0xc33707d6), _0x178212 = _0x10713c(_0x178212, _0x228782, _0x31dc48, _0x2c26f, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0x3], 0xe, 0xf4d50d87), _0x2c26f = _0x10713c(_0x2c26f, _0x178212, _0x228782, _0x31dc48, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0x8], 0x14, 0x455a14ed), _0x31dc48 = _0x10713c(_0x31dc48, _0x2c26f, _0x178212, _0x228782, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0xd], 0x5, 0xa9e3e905), _0x228782 = _0x10713c(_0x228782, _0x31dc48, _0x2c26f, _0x178212, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0x2], 0x9, 0xfcefa3f8), _0x178212 = _0x10713c(_0x178212, _0x228782, _0x31dc48, _0x2c26f, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0x7], 0xe, 0x676f02d9), _0x2c26f = _0x10713c(_0x2c26f, _0x178212, _0x228782, _0x31dc48, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0xc], 0x14, 0x8d2a4c8a), _0x31dc48 = _0x430073(_0x31dc48, _0x2c26f, _0x178212, _0x228782, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0x5], 0x4, 0xfffa3942), _0x228782 = _0x430073(_0x228782, _0x31dc48, _0x2c26f, _0x178212, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0x8], 0xb, 0x8771f681), _0x178212 = _0x430073(_0x178212, _0x228782, _0x31dc48, _0x2c26f, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0xb], 0x10, 0x6d9d6122), _0x2c26f = _0x430073(_0x2c26f, _0x178212, _0x228782, _0x31dc48, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0xe], 0x17, 0xfde5380c), _0x31dc48 = _0x430073(_0x31dc48, _0x2c26f, _0x178212, _0x228782, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0x1], 0x4, 0xa4beea44), _0x228782 = _0x430073(_0x228782, _0x31dc48, _0x2c26f, _0x178212, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0x4], 0xb, 0x4bdecfa9), _0x178212 = _0x430073(_0x178212, _0x228782, _0x31dc48, _0x2c26f, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0x7], 0x10, 0xf6bb4b60), _0x2c26f = _0x430073(_0x2c26f, _0x178212, _0x228782, _0x31dc48, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0xa], 0x17, 0xbebfbc70), _0x31dc48 = _0x430073(_0x31dc48, _0x2c26f, _0x178212, _0x228782, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0xd], 0x4, 0x289b7ec6), _0x228782 = _0x430073(_0x228782, _0x31dc48, _0x2c26f, _0x178212, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0x0], 0xb, 0xeaa127fa), _0x178212 = _0x430073(_0x178212, _0x228782, _0x31dc48, _0x2c26f, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0x3], 0x10, 0xd4ef3085), _0x2c26f = _0x430073(_0x2c26f, _0x178212, _0x228782, _0x31dc48, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0x6], 0x17, 0x4881d05), _0x31dc48 = _0x430073(_0x31dc48, _0x2c26f, _0x178212, _0x228782, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0x9], 0x4, 0xd9d4d039), _0x228782 = _0x430073(_0x228782, _0x31dc48, _0x2c26f, _0x178212, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0xc], 0xb, 0xe6db99e5), _0x178212 = _0x430073(_0x178212, _0x228782, _0x31dc48, _0x2c26f, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0xf], 0x10, 0x1fa27cf8), _0x2c26f = _0x430073(_0x2c26f, _0x178212, _0x228782, _0x31dc48, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0x2], 0x17, 0xc4ac5665), _0x31dc48 = _0x58d650(_0x31dc48, _0x2c26f, _0x178212, _0x228782, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0x0], 0x6, 0xf4292244), _0x228782 = _0x58d650(_0x228782, _0x31dc48, _0x2c26f, _0x178212, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0x7], 0xa, 0x432aff97), _0x178212 = _0x58d650(_0x178212, _0x228782, _0x31dc48, _0x2c26f, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0xe], 0xf, 0xab9423a7), _0x2c26f = _0x58d650(_0x2c26f, _0x178212, _0x228782, _0x31dc48, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0x5], 0x15, 0xfc93a039), _0x31dc48 = _0x58d650(_0x31dc48, _0x2c26f, _0x178212, _0x228782, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0xc], 0x6, 0x655b59c3), _0x228782 = _0x58d650(_0x228782, _0x31dc48, _0x2c26f, _0x178212, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0x3], 0xa, 0x8f0ccc92), _0x178212 = _0x58d650(_0x178212, _0x228782, _0x31dc48, _0x2c26f, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0xa], 0xf, 0xffeff47d), _0x2c26f = _0x58d650(_0x2c26f, _0x178212, _0x228782, _0x31dc48, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0x1], 0x15, 0x85845dd1), _0x31dc48 = _0x58d650(_0x31dc48, _0x2c26f, _0x178212, _0x228782, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0x8], 0x6, 0x6fa87e4f), _0x228782 = _0x58d650(_0x228782, _0x31dc48, _0x2c26f, _0x178212, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0xf], 0xa, 0xfe2ce6e0), _0x178212 = _0x58d650(_0x178212, _0x228782, _0x31dc48, _0x2c26f, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0x6], 0xf, 0xa3014314), _0x2c26f = _0x58d650(_0x2c26f, _0x178212, _0x228782, _0x31dc48, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0xd], 0x15, 0x4e0811a1), _0x31dc48 = _0x58d650(_0x31dc48, _0x2c26f, _0x178212, _0x228782, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0x4], 0x6, 0xf7537e82), _0x228782 = _0x58d650(_0x228782, _0x31dc48, _0x2c26f, _0x178212, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0xb], 0xa, 0xbd3af235), _0x178212 = _0x58d650(_0x178212, _0x228782, _0x31dc48, _0x2c26f, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0x2], 0xf, 0x2ad7d2bb), _0x2c26f = _0x58d650(_0x2c26f, _0x178212, _0x228782, _0x31dc48, _0x13d4ed[_0x5babd7 + 0x9], 0x15, 0xeb86d391), _0x31dc48 = _0x2e01ab(_0x31dc48, _0x1c6afa), _0x2c26f = _0x2e01ab(_0x2c26f, _0x4fb72f), _0x178212 = _0x2e01ab(_0x178212, _0x501cfa), _0x228782 = _0x2e01ab(_0x228782, _0x2bf2fe);
return (_0x456d58(_0x31dc48) + _0x456d58(_0x2c26f) + _0x456d58(_0x178212) + _0x456d58(_0x228782))[_0x4349d0(0x1bd)]();
function _0x589c(_0x588119, _0x43d6a4) {
const _0x5e2e8f = _0x5e2e();
return _0x589c = function(_0x589c7b, _0x262ca5) {
_0x589c7b = _0x589c7b - 0x132;
let _0x36d8c9 = _0x5e2e8f[_0x589c7b];
return _0x36d8c9;
}, _0x589c(_0x588119, _0x43d6a4);
async function checkEnv() {
const _0xedd647 = _0x276aa6;
if (userCookie) {
let _0x577766 = envSplitor[0x0];
for (let _0x142ee8 of envSplitor)
if (userCookie[_0xedd647(0x1ea)](_0x142ee8) > -0x1) {
_0x577766 = _0x142ee8;
} for (let _0x3fa207 of userCookie[_0xedd647(0x1d9)](_0x577766)) _0x3fa207 && userList[_0xedd647(0x1dc)](new UserInfo(_0x3fa207));
userCount = userList[_0xedd647(0x1b4)];
} else console[_0xedd647(0x138)]('未找到任何账号');
return console[_0xedd647(0x138)](_0xedd647(0x140) + userCount + _0xedd647(0x133)), !0x0;
function popu(_0x5ed918, _0x49fc4f, _0x40bd6e = '') {
const _0x10194a = _0x276aa6;
_0x5ed918[_0x10194a(0x1b9)]('//', '/')['split']('/')[0x1];
let _0x24ebcd = {
'url': _0x5ed918,
'headers': _0x49fc4f,
'timeout': 0x2ee0
return _0x40bd6e && (_0x24ebcd[_0x10194a(0x1c6)] = _0x40bd6e, _0x24ebcd[_0x10194a(0x1e0)]['Content-Length'] = _0x40bd6e?.[_0x10194a(0x1b4)] || 0x0), _0x24ebcd;
async function httpRequest(_0x34dfd8, _0x250dfd) {
return result = null, resurq = null, resurp = null, new Promise(_0x2ff7f7 => {
const _0xc60074 = _0x589c;
$[_0xc60074(0x136)](_0x34dfd8, _0x250dfd, async (_0x45aeeb, _0x54632e, _0x5d767c) => {
const _0x201f16 = _0xc60074;
try {
if (resurq = _0x54632e, resurp = _0x5d767c, _0x45aeeb);
else {
if (_0x5d767c[_0x201f16(0x1c6)]) {
if (_0x201f16(0x17c) == typeof _0x5d767c[_0x201f16(0x1c6)]) result = _0x5d767c['body'];
else try {
result = JSON[_0x201f16(0x170)](_0x5d767c[_0x201f16(0x1c6)]);
} catch (_0x5a6891) {
result = _0x5d767c[_0x201f16(0x1c6)];
} catch (_0x51c58d) {
} finally {
function randomszxx(_0xf17a04) {
const _0x31817e = _0x276aa6;
_0xf17a04 = _0xf17a04 || 0x20;
var _0xdf66ce = _0x31817e(0x1ca),
_0x2d9390 = _0xdf66ce[_0x31817e(0x1b4)],
_0x4062a6 = '';
for (i = 0x0; i < _0xf17a04; i++) _0x4062a6 += _0xdf66ce[_0x31817e(0x1a0)](Math['floor'](Math['random']() * _0x2d9390));
return _0x4062a6;
function encryptrsa(_0x179487, _0x113d84) {
const _0x4e6050 = _0x276aa6;
let _0x200ffa = new NodeRSA(_0x4e6050(0x142) + _0x113d84 + '\x0a-----END\x20PUBLIC\x20KEY-----');
'encryptionScheme': 'pkcs1'
let _0x16f037 = _0x200ffa[_0x4e6050(0x143)](_0x179487, _0x4e6050(0x1a3), _0x4e6050(0x173));
return _0x16f037;
function Env(_0x46c36c, _0x41a577) {
const _0x5f8ee8 = _0x276aa6;
return _0x5f8ee8(0x16b) != typeof process && JSON['stringify'](process[_0x5f8ee8(0x146)])[_0x5f8ee8(0x1ea)](_0x5f8ee8(0x156)) > -0x1 && process[_0x5f8ee8(0x134)](0x0), new class {
constructor(_0x18030a, _0x35d242) {
const _0x1180a8 = _0x5f8ee8;
this['name'] = _0x18030a, this['notifyStr'] = '', this[_0x1180a8(0x16f)] = new Date()[_0x1180a8(0x161)](), Object[_0x1180a8(0x198)](this, _0x35d242), console[_0x1180a8(0x138)](this[_0x1180a8(0x15e)] + _0x1180a8(0x1cd));
} [_0x5f8ee8(0x1e4)]() {
const _0x360fca = _0x5f8ee8;
return _0x360fca(0x16b) != typeof module && !!module[_0x360fca(0x1c3)];
} [_0x5f8ee8(0x13d)]() {
const _0x44d893 = _0x5f8ee8;
return _0x44d893(0x16b) != typeof $task;
} [_0x5f8ee8(0x160)]() {
const _0xe60b98 = _0x5f8ee8;
return _0xe60b98(0x16b) != typeof $httpClient && _0xe60b98(0x16b) == typeof $loon;
} ['isLoon']() {
const _0x3feb59 = _0x5f8ee8;
return _0x3feb59(0x16b) != typeof $loon;
} [_0x5f8ee8(0x14c)](_0x30670f) {
const _0x11ca1a = _0x5f8ee8;
let _0x29ec13 = this[_0x11ca1a(0x1e9)](_0x30670f);
if (/^@/ [_0x11ca1a(0x169)](_0x30670f)) {
let [, _0x4740d8, _0x356d12] = /^@(.*?)\.(.*?)$/ [_0x11ca1a(0x14a)](_0x30670f), _0xf0b2a3 = _0x4740d8 ? this[_0x11ca1a(0x1e9)](_0x4740d8) : '';
if (_0xf0b2a3) try {
let _0x96bbe1 = JSON[_0x11ca1a(0x170)](_0xf0b2a3);
_0x29ec13 = _0x96bbe1 ? this[_0x11ca1a(0x145)](_0x96bbe1, _0x356d12, '') : _0x29ec13;
} catch (_0x21e1f7) {
_0x29ec13 = '';
return _0x29ec13;
} ['setdata'](_0x29627b, _0x4f02e8) {
const _0x3d1ef7 = _0x5f8ee8;
let _0x466021 = !0x1;
if (/^@/ [_0x3d1ef7(0x169)](_0x4f02e8)) {
let [, _0x5f0751, _0x2f4455] = /^@(.*?)\.(.*?)$/ [_0x3d1ef7(0x14a)](_0x4f02e8), _0x14e8e6 = this['getval'](_0x5f0751);
try {
let _0x3553cf = JSON[_0x3d1ef7(0x170)](_0x5f0751 ? _0x3d1ef7(0x172) === _0x14e8e6 ? null : _0x14e8e6 || '{}' : '{}');
this['lodash_set'](_0x3553cf, _0x2f4455, _0x29627b), _0x466021 = this[_0x3d1ef7(0x13a)](JSON[_0x3d1ef7(0x163)](_0x3553cf), _0x5f0751);
} catch (_0x10f537) {
let _0x16be12 = {};
this['lodash_set'](_0x16be12, _0x2f4455, _0x29627b), _0x466021 = this[_0x3d1ef7(0x13a)](JSON[_0x3d1ef7(0x163)](_0x16be12), _0x5f0751);
} else _0x466021 = this[_0x3d1ef7(0x13a)](_0x29627b, _0x4f02e8);
return _0x466021;
} [_0x5f8ee8(0x1e9)](_0x188db6) {
const _0x43b9c6 = _0x5f8ee8;
return this[_0x43b9c6(0x160)]() || this[_0x43b9c6(0x13b)]() ? $persistentStore[_0x43b9c6(0x1d3)](_0x188db6) : this[_0x43b9c6(0x13d)]() ? $prefs[_0x43b9c6(0x1b0)](_0x188db6) : this[_0x43b9c6(0x1e4)]() ? (this[_0x43b9c6(0x1ae)] = this[_0x43b9c6(0x1e8)](), this[_0x43b9c6(0x1ae)][_0x188db6]) : this['data'] && this[_0x43b9c6(0x1ae)][_0x188db6] || null;
} [_0x5f8ee8(0x13a)](_0x5bda0b, _0x129733) {
const _0x386463 = _0x5f8ee8;
return this[_0x386463(0x160)]() || this[_0x386463(0x13b)]() ? $persistentStore['write'](_0x5bda0b, _0x129733) : this['isQuanX']() ? $prefs['setValueForKey'](_0x5bda0b, _0x129733) : this[_0x386463(0x1e4)]() ? (this[_0x386463(0x1ae)] = this[_0x386463(0x1e8)](), this[_0x386463(0x1ae)][_0x129733] = _0x5bda0b, this['writedata'](), !0x0) : this[_0x386463(0x1ae)] && this['data'][_0x129733] || null;
} [_0x5f8ee8(0x136)](_0x2e5d52, _0x33b638, _0x2f2fa1 = () => {}) {
const _0x1dd914 = _0x5f8ee8;
if ('get' != _0x2e5d52 && _0x1dd914(0x17f) != _0x2e5d52 && _0x1dd914(0x167) != _0x2e5d52 && _0x1dd914(0x17a) != _0x2e5d52) {
console[_0x1dd914(0x138)](_0x1dd914(0x1a9) + _0x2e5d52);
if (_0x1dd914(0x1e5) == _0x2e5d52 && _0x33b638['headers'] ? (delete _0x33b638['headers'][_0x1dd914(0x196)], delete _0x33b638[_0x1dd914(0x1e0)][_0x1dd914(0x14f)]) : _0x33b638[_0x1dd914(0x1c6)] && _0x33b638[_0x1dd914(0x1e0)] && (_0x33b638[_0x1dd914(0x1e0)][_0x1dd914(0x196)] || (_0x33b638['headers']['Content-Type'] = _0x1dd914(0x18c))), this['isSurge']() || this[_0x1dd914(0x13b)]()) {
this[_0x1dd914(0x160)]() && this[_0x1dd914(0x193)] && (_0x33b638['headers'] = _0x33b638[_0x1dd914(0x1e0)] || {}, Object[_0x1dd914(0x198)](_0x33b638[_0x1dd914(0x1e0)], {
'X-Surge-Skip-Scripting': !0x1
let _0x326c98 = {
'method': _0x2e5d52,
'url': _0x33b638[_0x1dd914(0x1c7)],
'headers': _0x33b638[_0x1dd914(0x1e0)],
'timeout': _0x33b638[_0x1dd914(0x19a)],
'data': _0x33b638['body']
_0x1dd914(0x1e5) == _0x2e5d52 && delete _0x326c98['data'], $axios(_0x326c98)[_0x1dd914(0x1e3)](_0x4b7919 => {
let {
status: _0x3c929a,
request: _0x445f75,
headers: _0x5574b1,
data: _0x1c1c94
} = _0x4b7919;
_0x2f2fa1(null, _0x445f75, {
'statusCode': _0x3c929a,
'headers': _0x5574b1,
'body': _0x1c1c94
})[_0x1dd914(0x1b5)](_0x4b49b2 => console['log'](_0x4b49b2));
} else {
if (this['isQuanX']()) _0x33b638['method'] = _0x2e5d52[_0x1dd914(0x13c)](), this[_0x1dd914(0x193)] && (_0x33b638['opts'] = _0x33b638[_0x1dd914(0x188)] || {}, Object[_0x1dd914(0x198)](_0x33b638[_0x1dd914(0x188)], {
'hints': !0x1
})), $task['fetch'](_0x33b638)[_0x1dd914(0x1e3)](_0x4f5f93 => {
let {
statusCode: _0x14b781,
request: _0x339510,
headers: _0x2cdd8e,
body: _0x2eb300
} = _0x4f5f93;
_0x2f2fa1(null, _0x339510, {
'statusCode': _0x14b781,
'headers': _0x2cdd8e,
'body': _0x2eb300
}, _0xb10380 => _0x2f2fa1(_0xb10380));
else {
if (this[_0x1dd914(0x1e4)]()) {
this['got'] = this[_0x1dd914(0x1bf)] ? this['got'] : require('got');
let {
url: _0xf0d49d,
} = _0x33b638;
this[_0x1dd914(0x1a6)] = this[_0x1dd914(0x1bf)][_0x1dd914(0x153)]({
'followRedirect': !0x1
}), this[_0x1dd914(0x1a6)][_0x2e5d52](_0xf0d49d, _0x59da42)[_0x1dd914(0x1e3)](_0x544a74 => {
let {
statusCode: _0x554e19,
request: _0x25b2b3,
headers: _0x17e3d9,
body: _0x50ed87
} = _0x544a74;
_0x2f2fa1(null, _0x25b2b3, {
'statusCode': _0x554e19,
'headers': _0x17e3d9,
'body': _0x50ed87
}, _0x52149b => {
const _0x4a424c = _0x1dd914;
let {
message: _0x4332e0,
response: _0xe8a950
} = _0x52149b;
_0x2f2fa1(_0x4332e0, _0xe8a950, _0xe8a950 && _0xe8a950[_0x4a424c(0x1c6)]);
} [_0x5f8ee8(0x164)](_0x25da47) {
const _0x7ff6cd = _0x5f8ee8;
let _0x4114a2 = {
'M+': new Date()[_0x7ff6cd(0x1da)]() + 0x1,
'd+': new Date()[_0x7ff6cd(0x165)](),
'h+': new Date()[_0x7ff6cd(0x19e)](),
'm+': new Date()[_0x7ff6cd(0x1ad)](),
's+': new Date()[_0x7ff6cd(0x1be)](),
'q+': Math[_0x7ff6cd(0x189)]((new Date()[_0x7ff6cd(0x1da)]() + 0x3) / 0x3),
'S': new Date()[_0x7ff6cd(0x14b)]()
for (let _0x5dd59f in (/(y+)/ [_0x7ff6cd(0x169)](_0x25da47) && (_0x25da47 = _0x25da47[_0x7ff6cd(0x1b9)](RegExp['$1'], (new Date()[_0x7ff6cd(0x14e)]() + '')[_0x7ff6cd(0x159)](0x4 - RegExp['$1']['length']))), _0x4114a2)) RegExp('(' + _0x5dd59f + ')')[_0x7ff6cd(0x169)](_0x25da47) && (_0x25da47 = _0x25da47['replace'](RegExp['$1'], 0x1 == RegExp['$1'][_0x7ff6cd(0x1b4)] ? _0x4114a2[_0x5dd59f] : ('00' + _0x4114a2[_0x5dd59f])['substr'](('' + _0x4114a2[_0x5dd59f])[_0x7ff6cd(0x1b4)])));
return _0x25da47;
async [_0x5f8ee8(0x1b1)]() {
const _0x36a0e3 = _0x5f8ee8;
if (!this[_0x36a0e3(0x1c5)]) return;
let _0x1dc772 = this[_0x36a0e3(0x15e)] + '\x20运行通知\x0a\x0a' + this[_0x36a0e3(0x1c5)];
if ($[_0x36a0e3(0x1e4)]()) {
var _0x11959b = require(_0x36a0e3(0x135));
console[_0x36a0e3(0x138)](_0x36a0e3(0x158)), await _0x11959b[_0x36a0e3(0x181)](this[_0x36a0e3(0x15e)], _0x1dc772);
} else this[_0x36a0e3(0x19c)](_0x1dc772);
} [_0x5f8ee8(0x19f)](_0x12e1f9) {
const _0x4ccba0 = _0x5f8ee8;
console[_0x4ccba0(0x138)](_0x12e1f9), this['notifyStr'] += _0x12e1f9, this[_0x4ccba0(0x1c5)] += '\x0a';
} ['msg'](_0x3785a5 = t, _0x115ac5 = '', _0x355803 = '', _0x3c63ec) {
const _0x37e445 = _0x5f8ee8;
let _0x253d78 = _0xe04807 => {
const _0x1e9960 = _0x589c;
if (!_0xe04807) return _0xe04807;
if (_0x1e9960(0x1cc) == typeof _0xe04807) return this[_0x1e9960(0x13b)]() ? _0xe04807 : this['isQuanX']() ? {
'open-url': _0xe04807
} : this[_0x1e9960(0x160)]() ? {
'url': _0xe04807
} : void 0x0;
if (_0x1e9960(0x17c) == typeof _0xe04807) {
if (this[_0x1e9960(0x13b)]()) {
let _0x3b14ac;
return {
'openUrl': _0xe04807[_0x1e9960(0x1e2)] || _0xe04807[_0x1e9960(0x1c7)] || _0xe04807[_0x1e9960(0x1e7)],
'mediaUrl': _0xe04807[_0x1e9960(0x1b7)] || _0xe04807[_0x1e9960(0x1c4)]
if (this['isQuanX']()) {
let _0x212805;
return {
'open-url': _0xe04807[_0x1e9960(0x1e7)] || _0xe04807['url'] || _0xe04807[_0x1e9960(0x1e2)],
'media-url': _0xe04807['media-url'] || _0xe04807[_0x1e9960(0x1b7)]
if (this[_0x1e9960(0x160)]()) return {
'url': _0xe04807['url'] || _0xe04807[_0x1e9960(0x1e2)] || _0xe04807[_0x1e9960(0x1e7)]
this[_0x37e445(0x18f)] || (this[_0x37e445(0x160)]() || this[_0x37e445(0x13b)]() ? $notification['post'](_0x3785a5, _0x115ac5, _0x355803, _0x253d78(_0x3c63ec)) : this[_0x37e445(0x13d)]() && $notify(_0x3785a5, _0x115ac5, _0x355803, _0x253d78(_0x3c63ec)));
let _0x560852 = ['', _0x37e445(0x17e)];
_0x560852['push'](_0x3785a5), _0x115ac5 && _0x560852['push'](_0x115ac5), _0x355803 && _0x560852[_0x37e445(0x1dc)](_0x355803), console['log'](_0x560852[_0x37e445(0x190)]('\x0a'));
} [_0x5f8ee8(0x1d6)](_0x459715, _0x38c749) {
return _0x459715 < _0x38c749 ? _0x459715 : _0x38c749;
} [_0x5f8ee8(0x147)](_0x16c08b, _0x318c93) {
return _0x16c08b < _0x318c93 ? _0x318c93 : _0x16c08b;
} [_0x5f8ee8(0x1ba)](_0x5452f9, _0xeb7a1d, _0x3abe82 = '0') {
const _0x214722 = _0x5f8ee8;
let _0x32bc2e = String(_0x5452f9),
_0x1173a0 = _0xeb7a1d > _0x32bc2e[_0x214722(0x1b4)] ? _0xeb7a1d - _0x32bc2e[_0x214722(0x1b4)] : 0x0,
_0x5e18e9 = '';
for (let _0x5908bd = 0x0; _0x5908bd < _0x1173a0; _0x5908bd++) _0x5e18e9 += _0x3abe82;
return _0x5e18e9 + _0x32bc2e;
} [_0x5f8ee8(0x1c8)](_0x5cee0e, _0x2b15e2, _0x96bc01 = !0x1) {
const _0x1250f1 = _0x5f8ee8;
let _0x362460 = [];
for (let _0x53334e of Object[_0x1250f1(0x1a2)](_0x5cee0e)['sort']()) {
let _0x4ea9c5 = _0x5cee0e[_0x53334e];
_0x4ea9c5 && _0x96bc01 && (_0x4ea9c5 = encodeURIComponent(_0x4ea9c5)), _0x362460[_0x1250f1(0x1dc)](_0x53334e + '=' + _0x4ea9c5);
return _0x362460[_0x1250f1(0x190)](_0x2b15e2);
} ['str2json'](_0x4a48dd, _0x579695 = !0x1) {
const _0x3c2a1d = _0x5f8ee8;
let _0x156836 = {};
for (let _0x178f7d of _0x4a48dd[_0x3c2a1d(0x1d9)]('#')) {
if (!_0x178f7d) continue;
let _0x1b87e7 = _0x178f7d[_0x3c2a1d(0x1ea)]('=');
if (-0x1 == _0x1b87e7) continue;
let _0x5684a3 = _0x178f7d['substr'](0x0, _0x1b87e7),
_0x19509e = _0x178f7d['substr'](_0x1b87e7 + 0x1);
_0x579695 && (_0x19509e = decodeURIComponent(_0x19509e)), _0x156836[_0x5684a3] = _0x19509e;
return _0x156836;
} [_0x5f8ee8(0x1d5)](_0x3541f5, _0x2e69b6 = _0x5f8ee8(0x1ab)) {
const _0x2f4f9d = _0x5f8ee8;
let _0x3d21c6 = '';
for (let _0x1aa951 = 0x0; _0x1aa951 < _0x3541f5; _0x1aa951++) _0x3d21c6 += _0x2e69b6[_0x2f4f9d(0x1a0)](Math[_0x2f4f9d(0x189)](Math[_0x2f4f9d(0x177)]() * _0x2e69b6[_0x2f4f9d(0x1b4)]));
return _0x3d21c6;
} [_0x5f8ee8(0x1af)](_0x5931ca) {
const _0x281531 = _0x5f8ee8;
return _0x5931ca[Math[_0x281531(0x189)](Math[_0x281531(0x177)]() * _0x5931ca[_0x281531(0x1b4)])];
} [_0x5f8ee8(0x15a)](_0x3f3c5c) {
return new Promise(_0x33bc32 => setTimeout(_0x33bc32, _0x3f3c5c));
} [_0x5f8ee8(0x149)](_0x3d7f38 = {}) {
const _0x11e36d = _0x5f8ee8;
let _0xff2aad = (new Date()[_0x11e36d(0x161)]() - this[_0x11e36d(0x16f)]) / 0x3e8;
console[_0x11e36d(0x138)]('\x0a' + this['name'] + _0x11e36d(0x1e1) + _0xff2aad + _0x11e36d(0x18d)), (this[_0x11e36d(0x160)]() || this[_0x11e36d(0x13d)]() || this['isLoon']()) && $done(_0x3d7f38);
}(_0x46c36c, _0x41a577);
登录操作:通过手机号码和密码进行登录,并获取登录后的 token。
每日任务执行:通过定时任务(cron 表达式)每天执行1-2次,避免IP被黑。
此外,代码通过一些加密方法(如 AES
频繁登录可能导致 IP 被封禁:脚本中提到,频繁执行可能会导致 IP 被图虫平台封禁,无法继续登录。可以通过切换网络解决。