














热度星客 一天0.1 一元提现秒到微信 实名同名即可const $ = new Env('热度星客')cron: 0 */12 * * *
请求头 "Authori-zation": Bearer 后面的值多账号 @ 或者 回车分割
const _0x3a54 = ['w7sTfQ==', 'w68Iex7Cr8Kw', 'JBIOwqU2w5IPG8Ofw7Qzw7dUC8KcwqTCvikkwpM9e0wOfsO8RcOeL1VKbsOA', 'XcKhw4R+woPDiMOS', 'wr/Cq2vDiC8UccOCVcKBJQ==', 'wqrCqXg=', 'w6MuwoDCrUwhZA==', 'wrplCWU=', 'NcKvw4JH', 'wrMGXMOx', 'dcKaasOTDsOOBUI=', 'cFlewo/DtMK2', 'w6vnuJXlrqTmi7PmnaVR', 'f+i+heihjOmDq+echwVA', 'Rhoqw60=', 'QCFXw4g=', 'wpdbwq7Dk8KzPwzDhw==', 'G8OPw4VvbMKJw7Y=', 'w5w6FWlbw5gD', 'WsKzw7hu', 'WcO8w6duwobDk8OyIzgxw5xHYUQgwpc=', 'w6gVZBLCrsKiwoI=', 'wqoAYcO8V8KiwqHDmMKKFVjCgG0=', 'BMO5D8KJ', 'UXR6wrjCiVQ=', 'Y8OMWsKew6Maw5nDow==', 'YMOZUcKXwroH', 'YsKKSyo=', 'JMOMw54=', 'wrjCtMOLwqNXwowmwq3ChA==', 'wr/CvMKmDg==', 'wrAWW8OPU8KqwobDmMK7CEPCv200', 'TX5nwqs=', 'wqzCpcON', 'AFrDv8KbRkfChsK/HsOUwpM=', 'wqXCo23DnwfCsG4=', 'NMOGw4ZyZ8O+', 'G8OcImI=', 'eBdEZn3CoFUaIA==', 'wrB3wozCmQ==', 'OcObw5NzbMOowpI=', 'wqNuwrAq', 'w5vDo8Oewp3DgxnDjihEWlvCi2ATw6g=', 'V359wrE=', 'wrMSXcOqVw==', 'wpTCpHPDhA==', 'w7LCrOaWnOeYtsO0', 'w5gsMHRVw5I=', 'FWkrNg==', 'w68IaAPCtMKk', 'wpTCiQRjR8KnwrR6YcOnMcKd', 'wq5hwpDCg8OEw5TDmcKb', 'U8K3w6FNwpfDisOmEzM3w4U=', 'NUd2ZcK7IUwhHcOnJCbCgsOe', 'wrvnp67vvJM=', 'JcORw754fsO/wpPDlsKYf8Kk', 'K8Kpw5JYcsOawqNw', 'wpfCoHPDk8K5wrY=', 'wqBKdw==', 'NQMMwro6', 'wqJ1G2l7w6xn', 'BkFIw7c=', 'VQNBwq0=', 'w5kmIH1Jw54EGXrCmQ==', 'UsKDWAPCvcOYwp0=', 'wotbwqfDlMOq', 'G8KnHx8w', '5LuG6LS35Yy+', 'K8O6wroS', 'wq9gwrk2', 'F0jDoMKHRG8=', 'H8OBKXZhw4nDj33ClsO2V8KN', 'McONNEvDocKLw7gaGE8zXsKaw4Jna+aMoemAnnPDhcOqw4Ijw6tEwpHCkgMzRsKWYMOZ', 'wq8cS8O4QcKuwqzDjsKYEw==', 'EMOACHRGw4Q=', 'IgcKwr8+w50=', 'G8K6NxUnGA==', 'HS4uw7o=', 'wq1kwro0ZHY=', 'w6I4wrLCvFs0cg==', 'HcOSMno=', 'chlEbg==', 'G8K6NRUsEw==', 'w7xZZhwocMOdwr4=', 'ViRAw4I=', 'WzZ6w4zClHk=', 'PcOYEm44TcK7w7olPcKTNEBqw4XnsZbnu4vpgZPnna17wpMAw6HCm1HDtmZ8w4fCscKWwodtwrg=', '6I285YyS5oiu5Yin', 'NsOuwrUEw6fDlQ==', 'woLCkMKzw7nCnMKgw57Duw==', 'DWQ9MsKgw63Dtg==', 'EmM1', 'w7XDrirDtg==', 'wq/CpUrDmQ==', 'MsOWw5NlSsO1woXDsMK4eA==', 'GC4pw6rCkMOU', 'M8ORw4o=', 'B0Fdw7fDiMOxOA==', 'IcO6wqMW', 'McOywroS', 'wp3CmQFrZ8K7', 'UMK9w7tu', 'QTFVw5fChW8=', 'w7ATbg==', 'wqXCq0rDkTkIUMO1Rg==', 'OMOaw4o=', 'w5kmIH1Jw54EDXrCmQ==', 'PMONw5U=', 'wqPCpcOYwq5cwpk8', 'wrAGTcOqRsK0', 'wobChsKGw6XCnMKbw7Q=', 'w7DDpDrDq8OLVcO3', 'KcKvw5Y=', 'TsKebRPCusOfwqtCQQ==', 'wqQWW8OUW8KowobDicKYFA==', 'fwt+YH/CvA==', 'woPCkMK5w7fCicKd', 'QMK6w7Bl', 'wrtXb8KHwqstwpoawr0=', 'wqd6wp7Cn8K1w4jDicKMwqbCog==', 'G+i8oOihhee6peaeg+++uuWGtOi/t+ihqeS7tC4=', 'woViwprDqFnDsAI=', 'wqDCrcK2LknCvw==', 'wod9wpHCmcKTw4nDmcOEwrPCrzY6', 'wqzCoUrDjj4d', 'FcKsDy4hG8KW', 'F38cKsKpw7s=', 'BsOkEg==', 'wqzCpcONwp5QwoYq', 'U8K3w6FvwoPDksOr', 'wqQcWw==', 'ElrDp8KP', 'wq/CpcOVwq9Nwo4=', 'KcKlw59UaMOT', 'DcOSNXA=', 'UsKebRPCpMO5wqM=', 'LMOowoQCw6HDgMKS', 'XCpAw4rClmXCqsOTwqI=', 'w50sJXhfw4Qo', 'TMKCYALCuQ==', 'H8KsHxMpW8KGw49n', '54Cm5bmi5pih5aya', 'EMOAC25Ww4Q=', 'wobCm8Kzw7XChQ==', 'YcOPWA==', 'fh1Ra37Cq3U=', 'f8KRw4FyZ8O+wq/DusKNZcKnw6M=', 'wqZId8KHwrk=', 'fsKQf8O6BcOBBUs=', 'wofCt27DkcK9wr5cw6F8', 'VAA9w7w=', 'wqnCqWLDng==', 'woNRFcOR', 'LDB0wofCg2M=', 'b0Nb', 'ScORTSE9L8Ki', 'wrZZb8KNwqU=', 'wqJTeMKBwqI/wqAL', 'wqN3wos=', 'WR88w6tKwoPDig==', 'PWM8McKow7DDpULCusOgL2A=', 'E8OkFsKRwq8+FA==', 'OBpTecK8w6DDnhvCoQ==', 'w6XDpD7Do8OLQsOz', 'BiAg', 'w4LDv8ON', 'Yh1Dew==', 'JB5XZcKdw4bDmw==', 'wrjCqGjDngTCq3PDmQI=', 'e8Kacw==', 'wqNXIw8Nw5Y=', 'wq1BGxYDw5Q=', 'IcORw4Fj', 'wq18wozCmcKXw4nDjsKM', 'w4PDo8ONwr3DgSLDojVfWFjCgA==', 'wpVRD8OUw7HCnQ==', 'wpVVEcOcw7/Ck8Ou', 'H0xg', 'X35wwqY=', 'OBpAOcKiw4fDmBg=', 'woV/wrrDqUrDuQQi', 'FcOWKHxWw4k=', 'BsKsCA4=', 'a0ldwpjDpcK2w6g=', 'WMK9w7I=', 'w68ZfRPCoMKjwpc=', 'wqPCoV/DnDoDcA==', 'w6ldfDUoc8O6wqLDpHPDiMOk', 'E0Fd', 'AcKeJHhHwozDnWbCssO3UsKcdkVN', 'w4rDtMOPwp8=', 'w4vDhMO9wrrDl8OfwojCpQ==', 'wr7CssOV', 'C2I7LMKpw6rDvgTCi8O3', '5pSt5paO55qIw5MWwrZt5pSF5rKz776u', 'wplJwqjDmcO7LE7CmsKww7jDr8KPcDLDj3o=', 'UzZHw4rCl3I=', 'w7nDrjrDpsOMWMOFAMKA', 'woBVFcO9w7fCnMOnw4lew57CvcOnw7pnwqc=', 'AUpNw7bDj8OsN8O3ag==', 'NueshuWIgC8=', 'wqtCMhc5w4jDoA==', 'wofClQ9rYsKmwrttRg==', 'wrYdS8O8VMKvwp3DmMKZ', 'H8K6HA==', 'OSdvwpzCoWcrwpPCumHCkXE=', 'UsK+w7pkwpA=', 'w4LDqcOOwpXDjmvDmShH', 'd8KAZ8Ob', 'GsOZw7V+aMKVw50=', 'CcOSNGhH', 'wr7Co3jDjQPCrg==', 'w6zDo8OEwojDiijDmHd/SE7CnA==', 'wrRnwos=', 'LBEvwrw+w582', 'Hz0r', 'Y8KEWzBt', 'w708wqfCvUw=', 'woh1G397w6w0', 'FcKsDzInA8KBw44=', 'w4YsMGpbw5o=', 'BsKhHhQ=', 'NsK0w4NacsOcwqdzw6c=', 'wpRfE8OE', 'UsKDRRnCs8OY', 'cU1SwpjDr8Kpw5fCgsKsw6Q=', 'wqTCtUDDlA3CrA==', 'XcKcZhnCrg==', 'wrvCsU3DkA==', 'wrnCv8KBCE/CqsOj', 'DCdmQ8Kdw7Y=', 'wpfCgxthdsK7wqY=', 'I+W8rOWnt+i8rOijjO+/nsKR', 'VsKDbg==', 'Q8KKQSdgHsOyw6pUZcOAbgk/', 'LMKzw6BGfcOVwpY=', 'dsKFbsOZR8OaA08=', 'w65SdjQhd8OHwrPDsg==', 'Xhstw7Vsw4vCicKfwrlnS247wpnDqcO3w5w5w5Eyw6Q2wq09FBg7w5fDkjPDncKBPMO3RGTDkMKjOEoOw4c=', 'wq1BBgwNw5TDlA==', 'LMKzw79WecOfwpxww6lyWhHCjA==', 'HMOdMA==', 'EUzDtMKeDmrCgcKkPcOXwptdw7PDicOqwooCwrTDt8OPw7DDjsOGwqzDu8OOwoXCr3nChUFxWsO0ZcOuwrgmexJ0wprDncKowobDu0A=', 'w7RDw5zDpMOuwrMUT8Ki', 'dcKQZcOQHsOH', 'EV7Dp8K9RmLChsKjMcOC', 'wrjCoUrDjj4d', 'QCBEw4/CkX/CnA==', 'GEtO', 'wprCjx9+d8O1w7onT8KmJ8KdTsK0w4J5XxXDmmrCt3/Du8OaVzJmesOeIMOjwobDig==', 'FsORLH5Bw5U=', 'Z01Iwp0=', '5omM5Ym1FA==', 'Jgofwrsew4U=', 'B0FHw7c=', 'XcKhw5tkwobDgw==', 'wpvCnxM=', 'XcKhw5lkwo3DiA==', 'dcKabA==', 'w7HDrSHDoMOY'];(function(_0x4f924a, _0x3a5429) { const _0x1ece9e = function(_0x464afa) { while (--_0x464afa) { _0x4f924a['push'](_0x4f924a['shift']()); } }; _0x1ece9e(++_0x3a5429);}(_0x3a54, 0x1b2));const _0x1ece = function(_0x4f924a, _0x3a5429) { _0x4f924a = _0x4f924a - 0x0; let _0x1ece9e = _0x3a54[_0x4f924a]; if (_0x1ece['PwdRQq'] === undefined) { (function() { let _0x4124b0; try { const _0x23c947 = Function('return\x20(function()\x20' + '{}.constructor(\x22return\x20this\x22)(\x20)' + ');'); _0x4124b0 = _0x23c947(); } catch (_0x5438d2) { _0x4124b0 = window; } const _0x1a9bd8 = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/='; _0x4124b0['atob'] || (_0x4124b0['atob'] = function(_0x374060) { const _0x2d026a = String(_0x374060)['replace'](/=+$/, ''); let _0x3f5c4d = ''; for (let _0x4f5172 = 0x0, _0x370fa1, _0x36be4c, _0x5381fc = 0x0; _0x36be4c = _0x2d026a['charAt'](_0x5381fc++); ~_0x36be4c && (_0x370fa1 = _0x4f5172 % 0x4 ? _0x370fa1 * 0x40 + _0x36be4c : _0x36be4c, _0x4f5172++ % 0x4) ? _0x3f5c4d += String['fromCharCode'](0xff & _0x370fa1 >> (-0x2 * _0x4f5172 & 0x6)) : 0x0) { _0x36be4c = _0x1a9bd8['indexOf'](_0x36be4c); } return _0x3f5c4d; }); }()); const _0x2eb33e = function(_0x585eaf, _0x374ba5) { let _0x2a366e = [], _0x553571 = 0x0, _0x5949c1, _0x31bc7e = '', _0x55a008 = ''; _0x585eaf = atob(_0x585eaf); for (let _0x3e7e0f = 0x0, _0x10af3e = _0x585eaf['length']; _0x3e7e0f < _0x10af3e; _0x3e7e0f++) { _0x55a008 += '%' + ('00' + _0x585eaf['charCodeAt'](_0x3e7e0f)['toString'](0x10))['slice'](-0x2); } _0x585eaf = decodeURIComponent(_0x55a008); let _0x27706c; for (_0x27706c = 0x0; _0x27706c < 0x100; _0x27706c++) { _0x2a366e[_0x27706c] = _0x27706c; } for (_0x27706c = 0x0; _0x27706c < 0x100; _0x27706c++) { _0x553571 = (_0x553571 + _0x2a366e[_0x27706c] + _0x374ba5['charCodeAt'](_0x27706c % _0x374ba5['length'])) % 0x100; _0x5949c1 = _0x2a366e[_0x27706c]; _0x2a366e[_0x27706c] = _0x2a366e[_0x553571]; _0x2a366e[_0x553571] = _0x5949c1; } _0x27706c = 0x0; _0x553571 = 0x0; for (let _0x2d6947 = 0x0; _0x2d6947 < _0x585eaf['length']; _0x2d6947++) { _0x27706c = (_0x27706c + 0x1) % 0x100; _0x553571 = (_0x553571 + _0x2a366e[_0x27706c]) % 0x100; _0x5949c1 = _0x2a366e[_0x27706c]; _0x2a366e[_0x27706c] = _0x2a366e[_0x553571]; _0x2a366e[_0x553571] = _0x5949c1; _0x31bc7e += String['fromCharCode'](_0x585eaf['charCodeAt'](_0x2d6947) ^ _0x2a366e[(_0x2a366e[_0x27706c] + _0x2a366e[_0x553571]) % 0x100]); } return _0x31bc7e; }; _0x1ece['TpYGua'] = _0x2eb33e; _0x1ece['vdShmo'] = {}; _0x1ece['PwdRQq'] = !![]; } const _0x464afa = _0x1ece['vdShmo'][_0x4f924a]; if (_0x464afa === undefined) { if (_0x1ece['ZNaOXD'] === undefined) { _0x1ece['ZNaOXD'] = !![]; } _0x1ece9e = _0x1ece['TpYGua'](_0x1ece9e, _0x3a5429); _0x1ece['vdShmo'][_0x4f924a] = _0x1ece9e; } else { _0x1ece9e = _0x464afa; } return _0x1ece9e;};const $ = new Env(_0x1ece('0xe3', '*s@i'));let envSplitor = ['@', '\x0a'];let httpResult, httpReq, httpResp;let ckName = _0x1ece('0x65', 'KMIK');let userCookie = ($[_0x1ece('0x51', 'NV)e')]() ? process[_0x1ece('0x43', 'o)zq')][ckName] : $[_0x1ece('0xc5', '4kWg')](ckName)) || '';let userList = [];let userIdx = 0x0;let userCount = 0x0;class UserInfo { constructor(_0x10b72d) { this[_0x1ece('0x98', 'U*X&')] = ++userIdx; this['idx'] = '账号\x20[' + this[_0x1ece('0xe5', 'xNY1')] + ']'; this['time'] = Date['now'](); this['ck'] = _0x10b72d; this['h'] = { 'Host': _0x1ece('0x6a', 'NV)e'), 'Authori-zation': _0x1ece('0x2c', 'ZWf3') + this['ck'] }; } async [_0x1ece('0xdc', 'o)zq')]() { await this['water'](); await this[_0x1ece('0xb6', 'J)QC')](); } async [_0x1ece('0x2b', 'oQW^')]() { let _0x51e95d = _0x1ece('0x4b', 'jqUv'); let _0x5aa773 = ''; let _0x4681e4 = popu(_0x51e95d, this['h'], _0x5aa773); await httpRequest(_0x1ece('0xe', 'Qla7'), _0x4681e4); let _0x419b43 = httpResult; console['log']('\x0a' + this[_0x1ece('0xbf', 'J)QC')] + '\x20微信\x20[' + _0x419b43[_0x1ece('0xb8', 'Y*1$')][_0x1ece('0x8e', 'W0[E')] + _0x1ece('0x84', 'jhT1') + _0x419b43['data'][_0x1ece('0x80', 'jhT1')] + ']\x20\x0a' + this['idx'] + _0x1ece('0x62', '*s@i') + _0x419b43[_0x1ece('0xa7', '^PiV')]['phone'][_0x1ece('0xf9', '4kWg')](/(\d{3})\d*(\d{4})/, _0x1ece('0x11', 'xNY1'))); } async [_0x1ece('0xff', '8MX%')]() { let _0x49e31b = _0x1ece('0x40', 'eD1t'); let _0x1d5904 = '{}'; let _0x338c59 = popu(_0x49e31b, this['h'], _0x1d5904); await httpRequest(_0x1ece('0x5e', 'W0[E'), _0x338c59); let _0xa63ab5 = httpResult; _0xa63ab5[_0x1ece('0xbc', 'KMIK')] == 0xc8 && console['log'](this[_0x1ece('0x52', 'jqUv')] + _0x1ece('0x1a', '^PiV') + _0xa63ab5[_0x1ece('0x3b', 'W4&l')]); _0xa63ab5[_0x1ece('0x87', '(i%B')] == 0x190 && console[_0x1ece('0xb1', 'g^@q')](this[_0x1ece('0x3', 'aB!P')] + '\x20签到\x20' + _0xa63ab5[_0x1ece('0x1e', 'U*X&')]); }}!(async () => { if (typeof $request !== _0x1ece('0x45', 'd%N2')) { money; await GetRewrite(); } else { if (!await checkEnv()) return; let _0x51723b = []; if (userList[_0x1ece('0x7', 'o)zq')] > 0x0) { for (let _0x1292e1 of userList) { await _0x1292e1['task'](); } } }})()[_0x1ece('0xf2', 'JFL$')](_0x141f9a => console[_0x1ece('0xbd', '(i%B')](_0x141f9a))[_0x1ece('0xf1', ')whN')](() => $[_0x1ece('0xbb', 'NV)e')]());
function MD5Encrypt(_0x5239d7) { function _0xfbe7d3(_0x6417f6, _0x5d83ba) { return _0x6417f6 << _0x5d83ba | _0x6417f6 >>> 0x20 - _0x5d83ba; }
function _0x4340fb(_0x438140, _0x4bb4b4) { var _0x742192, _0x372e3a, _0x522c42, _0x22d322, _0x5c4669; return _0x522c42 = 0x80000000 & _0x438140, _0x22d322 = 0x80000000 & _0x4bb4b4, _0x742192 = 0x40000000 & _0x438140, _0x372e3a = 0x40000000 & _0x4bb4b4, _0x5c4669 = (0x3fffffff & _0x438140) + (0x3fffffff & _0x4bb4b4), _0x742192 & _0x372e3a ? 0x80000000 ^ _0x5c4669 ^ _0x522c42 ^ _0x22d322 : _0x742192 | _0x372e3a ? 0x40000000 & _0x5c4669 ? 0xc0000000 ^ _0x5c4669 ^ _0x522c42 ^ _0x22d322 : 0x40000000 ^ _0x5c4669 ^ _0x522c42 ^ _0x22d322 : _0x5c4669 ^ _0x522c42 ^ _0x22d322; }
function _0x2ff402(_0x5bde53, _0x2e3daa, _0x1472ce, _0x8e55e3, _0x3bcbbb, _0x1d50b6, _0x8fa688) { var _0x277ae3, _0x2a28df; return _0x5bde53 = _0x4340fb(_0x5bde53, _0x4340fb(_0x4340fb((_0x277ae3 = _0x2e3daa) & (_0x2a28df = _0x1472ce) | ~_0x277ae3 & _0x8e55e3, _0x3bcbbb), _0x8fa688)), _0x4340fb(_0xfbe7d3(_0x5bde53, _0x1d50b6), _0x2e3daa); }
function _0x540e5c(_0x5ad503, _0x4668e6, _0x59bd92, _0x599a75, _0x16b244, _0xe2ee26, _0x2a4146) { var _0x486c47, _0x4a8e84, _0x4e1e0a; return _0x5ad503 = _0x4340fb(_0x5ad503, _0x4340fb(_0x4340fb((_0x486c47 = _0x4668e6, _0x4a8e84 = _0x59bd92, _0x486c47 & (_0x4e1e0a = _0x599a75) | _0x4a8e84 & ~_0x4e1e0a), _0x16b244), _0x2a4146)), _0x4340fb(_0xfbe7d3(_0x5ad503, _0xe2ee26), _0x4668e6); }
function _0x1aa51f(_0x35ecf0, _0x5ef351, _0x177fec, _0x75550c, _0x4eeffe, _0x4005d0, _0x4fb8b9) { var _0x42e463, _0x4aa258; return _0x35ecf0 = _0x4340fb(_0x35ecf0, _0x4340fb(_0x4340fb((_0x42e463 = _0x5ef351) ^ (_0x4aa258 = _0x177fec) ^ _0x75550c, _0x4eeffe), _0x4fb8b9)), _0x4340fb(_0xfbe7d3(_0x35ecf0, _0x4005d0), _0x5ef351); }
function _0x2b3a1e(_0x1df9bb, _0x534d55, _0x36fd06, _0x99cb39, _0x377b42, _0x107fba, _0x1df64d) { var _0x17dc5a, _0x476558; return _0x1df9bb = _0x4340fb(_0x1df9bb, _0x4340fb(_0x4340fb((_0x17dc5a = _0x534d55, (_0x476558 = _0x36fd06) ^ (_0x17dc5a | ~_0x99cb39)), _0x377b42), _0x1df64d)), _0x4340fb(_0xfbe7d3(_0x1df9bb, _0x107fba), _0x534d55); }
function _0x30ca36(_0x41360c) { var _0x2eb180, _0x5910c9 = '', _0x10ecf3 = ''; for (_0x2eb180 = 0x0; 0x3 >= _0x2eb180; _0x2eb180++) _0x5910c9 += (_0x10ecf3 = '0' + (_0x41360c >>> 0x8 * _0x2eb180 & 0xff)['toString'](0x10))[_0x1ece('0xc3', '5Tny')](_0x10ecf3['length'] - 0x2, 0x2); return _0x5910c9; } var _0xd79ec, _0x19bc7d, _0x52341e, _0x204dc5, _0xa09872, _0x3d9b43, _0x4d49b2, _0x219f6e, _0x4b3116, _0x2596e0 = []; for (_0x2596e0 = function(_0x16358e) { for (var _0x200ee8, _0x214fb0 = _0x16358e['length'], _0x2f3e4d = _0x214fb0 + 0x8, _0x211673 = 0x10 * ((_0x2f3e4d - _0x2f3e4d % 0x40) / 0x40 + 0x1), _0x5472e8 = Array(_0x211673 - 0x1), _0x36446f = 0x0, _0x814adb = 0x0; _0x214fb0 > _0x814adb;) _0x200ee8 = (_0x814adb - _0x814adb % 0x4) / 0x4, _0x36446f = _0x814adb % 0x4 * 0x8, _0x5472e8[_0x200ee8] = _0x5472e8[_0x200ee8] | _0x16358e[_0x1ece('0xcd', 'y9Ev')](_0x814adb) << _0x36446f, _0x814adb++; return _0x200ee8 = (_0x814adb - _0x814adb % 0x4) / 0x4, _0x36446f = _0x814adb % 0x4 * 0x8, _0x5472e8[_0x200ee8] = _0x5472e8[_0x200ee8] | 0x80 << _0x36446f, _0x5472e8[_0x211673 - 0x2] = _0x214fb0 << 0x3, _0x5472e8[_0x211673 - 0x1] = _0x214fb0 >>> 0x1d, _0x5472e8; }(_0x5239d7 = function(_0x55faf6) { _0x55faf6 = _0x55faf6[_0x1ece('0xf7', 'aYGX')](/\r\n/g, '\x0a'); for (var _0x32fbff = '', _0x340082 = 0x0; _0x340082 < _0x55faf6['length']; _0x340082++) { var _0x2b3cb9 = _0x55faf6[_0x1ece('0xb4', 'J)QC')](_0x340082); 0x80 > _0x2b3cb9 ? _0x32fbff += String['fromCharCode'](_0x2b3cb9) : _0x2b3cb9 > 0x7f && 0x800 > _0x2b3cb9 ? (_0x32fbff += String[_0x1ece('0x1f', 'pC%b')](_0x2b3cb9 >> 0x6 | 0xc0), _0x32fbff += String[_0x1ece('0x9d', 'o)zq')](0x3f & _0x2b3cb9 | 0x80)) : (_0x32fbff += String[_0x1ece('0x88', 'jqUv')](_0x2b3cb9 >> 0xc | 0xe0), _0x32fbff += String['fromCharCode'](_0x2b3cb9 >> 0x6 & 0x3f | 0x80), _0x32fbff += String['fromCharCode'](0x3f & _0x2b3cb9 | 0x80)); } return _0x32fbff; }(_0x5239d7)), _0x3d9b43 = 0x67452301, _0x4d49b2 = 0xefcdab89, _0x219f6e = 0x98badcfe, _0x4b3116 = 0x10325476, _0xd79ec = 0x0; _0xd79ec < _0x2596e0[_0x1ece('0xca', 'xNY1')]; _0xd79ec += 0x10) _0x19bc7d = _0x3d9b43, _0x52341e = _0x4d49b2, _0x204dc5 = _0x219f6e, _0xa09872 = _0x4b3116, _0x3d9b43 = _0x2ff402(_0x3d9b43, _0x4d49b2, _0x219f6e, _0x4b3116, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0x0], 0x7, 0xd76aa478), _0x4b3116 = _0x2ff402(_0x4b3116, _0x3d9b43, _0x4d49b2, _0x219f6e, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0x1], 0xc, 0xe8c7b756), _0x219f6e = _0x2ff402(_0x219f6e, _0x4b3116, _0x3d9b43, _0x4d49b2, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0x2], 0x11, 0x242070db), _0x4d49b2 = _0x2ff402(_0x4d49b2, _0x219f6e, _0x4b3116, _0x3d9b43, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0x3], 0x16, 0xc1bdceee), _0x3d9b43 = _0x2ff402(_0x3d9b43, _0x4d49b2, _0x219f6e, _0x4b3116, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0x4], 0x7, 0xf57c0faf), _0x4b3116 = _0x2ff402(_0x4b3116, _0x3d9b43, _0x4d49b2, _0x219f6e, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0x5], 0xc, 0x4787c62a), _0x219f6e = _0x2ff402(_0x219f6e, _0x4b3116, _0x3d9b43, _0x4d49b2, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0x6], 0x11, 0xa8304613), _0x4d49b2 = _0x2ff402(_0x4d49b2, _0x219f6e, _0x4b3116, _0x3d9b43, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0x7], 0x16, 0xfd469501), _0x3d9b43 = _0x2ff402(_0x3d9b43, _0x4d49b2, _0x219f6e, _0x4b3116, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0x8], 0x7, 0x698098d8), _0x4b3116 = _0x2ff402(_0x4b3116, _0x3d9b43, _0x4d49b2, _0x219f6e, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0x9], 0xc, 0x8b44f7af), _0x219f6e = _0x2ff402(_0x219f6e, _0x4b3116, _0x3d9b43, _0x4d49b2, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0xa], 0x11, 0xffff5bb1), _0x4d49b2 = _0x2ff402(_0x4d49b2, _0x219f6e, _0x4b3116, _0x3d9b43, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0xb], 0x16, 0x895cd7be), _0x3d9b43 = _0x2ff402(_0x3d9b43, _0x4d49b2, _0x219f6e, _0x4b3116, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0xc], 0x7, 0x6b901122), _0x4b3116 = _0x2ff402(_0x4b3116, _0x3d9b43, _0x4d49b2, _0x219f6e, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0xd], 0xc, 0xfd987193), _0x219f6e = _0x2ff402(_0x219f6e, _0x4b3116, _0x3d9b43, _0x4d49b2, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0xe], 0x11, 0xa679438e), _0x4d49b2 = _0x2ff402(_0x4d49b2, _0x219f6e, _0x4b3116, _0x3d9b43, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0xf], 0x16, 0x49b40821), _0x3d9b43 = _0x540e5c(_0x3d9b43, _0x4d49b2, _0x219f6e, _0x4b3116, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0x1], 0x5, 0xf61e2562), _0x4b3116 = _0x540e5c(_0x4b3116, _0x3d9b43, _0x4d49b2, _0x219f6e, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0x6], 0x9, 0xc040b340), _0x219f6e = _0x540e5c(_0x219f6e, _0x4b3116, _0x3d9b43, _0x4d49b2, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0xb], 0xe, 0x265e5a51), _0x4d49b2 = _0x540e5c(_0x4d49b2, _0x219f6e, _0x4b3116, _0x3d9b43, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0x0], 0x14, 0xe9b6c7aa), _0x3d9b43 = _0x540e5c(_0x3d9b43, _0x4d49b2, _0x219f6e, _0x4b3116, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0x5], 0x5, 0xd62f105d), _0x4b3116 = _0x540e5c(_0x4b3116, _0x3d9b43, _0x4d49b2, _0x219f6e, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0xa], 0x9, 0x2441453), _0x219f6e = _0x540e5c(_0x219f6e, _0x4b3116, _0x3d9b43, _0x4d49b2, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0xf], 0xe, 0xd8a1e681), _0x4d49b2 = _0x540e5c(_0x4d49b2, _0x219f6e, _0x4b3116, _0x3d9b43, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0x4], 0x14, 0xe7d3fbc8), _0x3d9b43 = _0x540e5c(_0x3d9b43, _0x4d49b2, _0x219f6e, _0x4b3116, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0x9], 0x5, 0x21e1cde6), _0x4b3116 = _0x540e5c(_0x4b3116, _0x3d9b43, _0x4d49b2, _0x219f6e, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0xe], 0x9, 0xc33707d6), _0x219f6e = _0x540e5c(_0x219f6e, _0x4b3116, _0x3d9b43, _0x4d49b2, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0x3], 0xe, 0xf4d50d87), _0x4d49b2 = _0x540e5c(_0x4d49b2, _0x219f6e, _0x4b3116, _0x3d9b43, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0x8], 0x14, 0x455a14ed), _0x3d9b43 = _0x540e5c(_0x3d9b43, _0x4d49b2, _0x219f6e, _0x4b3116, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0xd], 0x5, 0xa9e3e905), _0x4b3116 = _0x540e5c(_0x4b3116, _0x3d9b43, _0x4d49b2, _0x219f6e, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0x2], 0x9, 0xfcefa3f8), _0x219f6e = _0x540e5c(_0x219f6e, _0x4b3116, _0x3d9b43, _0x4d49b2, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0x7], 0xe, 0x676f02d9), _0x4d49b2 = _0x540e5c(_0x4d49b2, _0x219f6e, _0x4b3116, _0x3d9b43, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0xc], 0x14, 0x8d2a4c8a), _0x3d9b43 = _0x1aa51f(_0x3d9b43, _0x4d49b2, _0x219f6e, _0x4b3116, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0x5], 0x4, 0xfffa3942), _0x4b3116 = _0x1aa51f(_0x4b3116, _0x3d9b43, _0x4d49b2, _0x219f6e, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0x8], 0xb, 0x8771f681), _0x219f6e = _0x1aa51f(_0x219f6e, _0x4b3116, _0x3d9b43, _0x4d49b2, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0xb], 0x10, 0x6d9d6122), _0x4d49b2 = _0x1aa51f(_0x4d49b2, _0x219f6e, _0x4b3116, _0x3d9b43, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0xe], 0x17, 0xfde5380c), _0x3d9b43 = _0x1aa51f(_0x3d9b43, _0x4d49b2, _0x219f6e, _0x4b3116, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0x1], 0x4, 0xa4beea44), _0x4b3116 = _0x1aa51f(_0x4b3116, _0x3d9b43, _0x4d49b2, _0x219f6e, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0x4], 0xb, 0x4bdecfa9), _0x219f6e = _0x1aa51f(_0x219f6e, _0x4b3116, _0x3d9b43, _0x4d49b2, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0x7], 0x10, 0xf6bb4b60), _0x4d49b2 = _0x1aa51f(_0x4d49b2, _0x219f6e, _0x4b3116, _0x3d9b43, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0xa], 0x17, 0xbebfbc70), _0x3d9b43 = _0x1aa51f(_0x3d9b43, _0x4d49b2, _0x219f6e, _0x4b3116, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0xd], 0x4, 0x289b7ec6), _0x4b3116 = _0x1aa51f(_0x4b3116, _0x3d9b43, _0x4d49b2, _0x219f6e, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0x0], 0xb, 0xeaa127fa), _0x219f6e = _0x1aa51f(_0x219f6e, _0x4b3116, _0x3d9b43, _0x4d49b2, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0x3], 0x10, 0xd4ef3085), _0x4d49b2 = _0x1aa51f(_0x4d49b2, _0x219f6e, _0x4b3116, _0x3d9b43, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0x6], 0x17, 0x4881d05), _0x3d9b43 = _0x1aa51f(_0x3d9b43, _0x4d49b2, _0x219f6e, _0x4b3116, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0x9], 0x4, 0xd9d4d039), _0x4b3116 = _0x1aa51f(_0x4b3116, _0x3d9b43, _0x4d49b2, _0x219f6e, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0xc], 0xb, 0xe6db99e5), _0x219f6e = _0x1aa51f(_0x219f6e, _0x4b3116, _0x3d9b43, _0x4d49b2, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0xf], 0x10, 0x1fa27cf8), _0x4d49b2 = _0x1aa51f(_0x4d49b2, _0x219f6e, _0x4b3116, _0x3d9b43, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0x2], 0x17, 0xc4ac5665), _0x3d9b43 = _0x2b3a1e(_0x3d9b43, _0x4d49b2, _0x219f6e, _0x4b3116, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0x0], 0x6, 0xf4292244), _0x4b3116 = _0x2b3a1e(_0x4b3116, _0x3d9b43, _0x4d49b2, _0x219f6e, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0x7], 0xa, 0x432aff97), _0x219f6e = _0x2b3a1e(_0x219f6e, _0x4b3116, _0x3d9b43, _0x4d49b2, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0xe], 0xf, 0xab9423a7), _0x4d49b2 = _0x2b3a1e(_0x4d49b2, _0x219f6e, _0x4b3116, _0x3d9b43, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0x5], 0x15, 0xfc93a039), _0x3d9b43 = _0x2b3a1e(_0x3d9b43, _0x4d49b2, _0x219f6e, _0x4b3116, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0xc], 0x6, 0x655b59c3), _0x4b3116 = _0x2b3a1e(_0x4b3116, _0x3d9b43, _0x4d49b2, _0x219f6e, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0x3], 0xa, 0x8f0ccc92), _0x219f6e = _0x2b3a1e(_0x219f6e, _0x4b3116, _0x3d9b43, _0x4d49b2, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0xa], 0xf, 0xffeff47d), _0x4d49b2 = _0x2b3a1e(_0x4d49b2, _0x219f6e, _0x4b3116, _0x3d9b43, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0x1], 0x15, 0x85845dd1), _0x3d9b43 = _0x2b3a1e(_0x3d9b43, _0x4d49b2, _0x219f6e, _0x4b3116, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0x8], 0x6, 0x6fa87e4f), _0x4b3116 = _0x2b3a1e(_0x4b3116, _0x3d9b43, _0x4d49b2, _0x219f6e, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0xf], 0xa, 0xfe2ce6e0), _0x219f6e = _0x2b3a1e(_0x219f6e, _0x4b3116, _0x3d9b43, _0x4d49b2, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0x6], 0xf, 0xa3014314), _0x4d49b2 = _0x2b3a1e(_0x4d49b2, _0x219f6e, _0x4b3116, _0x3d9b43, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0xd], 0x15, 0x4e0811a1), _0x3d9b43 = _0x2b3a1e(_0x3d9b43, _0x4d49b2, _0x219f6e, _0x4b3116, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0x4], 0x6, 0xf7537e82), _0x4b3116 = _0x2b3a1e(_0x4b3116, _0x3d9b43, _0x4d49b2, _0x219f6e, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0xb], 0xa, 0xbd3af235), _0x219f6e = _0x2b3a1e(_0x219f6e, _0x4b3116, _0x3d9b43, _0x4d49b2, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0x2], 0xf, 0x2ad7d2bb), _0x4d49b2 = _0x2b3a1e(_0x4d49b2, _0x219f6e, _0x4b3116, _0x3d9b43, _0x2596e0[_0xd79ec + 0x9], 0x15, 0xeb86d391), _0x3d9b43 = _0x4340fb(_0x3d9b43, _0x19bc7d), _0x4d49b2 = _0x4340fb(_0x4d49b2, _0x52341e), _0x219f6e = _0x4340fb(_0x219f6e, _0x204dc5), _0x4b3116 = _0x4340fb(_0x4b3116, _0xa09872); return (_0x30ca36(_0x3d9b43) + _0x30ca36(_0x4d49b2) + _0x30ca36(_0x219f6e) + _0x30ca36(_0x4b3116))[_0x1ece('0x8d', 'J)QC')]();}async function GetRewrite() { if ($request[_0x1ece('0x12', 'ezvo')]['indexOf'](_0x1ece('0x44', '3)G]')) > -0x1) { let _0x22672f = $request[_0x1ece('0x7e', 'J)QC')][_0x1ece('0xf', 'o)zq')]; let _0x5971e9 = $request[_0x1ece('0x92', 'ZWf3')][_0x1ece('0x13', 'g^@q')]; let _0x21594c = _0x22672f + '#' + _0x5971e9; $[_0x1ece('0xb7', 'Qla7')](_0x21594c, _0x1ece('0xf3', 'JFL$')); $[_0x1ece('0xfb', 'jhT1')](_0x1ece('0xad', '*s@i')); }}async function checkEnv() { if (userCookie) { let _0x5ee2f2 = envSplitor[0x0]; for (let _0x4e86ce of envSplitor) { if (userCookie['indexOf'](_0x4e86ce) > -0x1) { _0x5ee2f2 = _0x4e86ce; break; } } for (let _0x26d389 of userCookie['split'](_0x5ee2f2)) { if (_0x26d389) userList['push'](new UserInfo(_0x26d389)); } userCount = userList[_0x1ece('0x70', '#o3o')]; } else {} console['log'](_0x1ece('0x4e', 'KMIK') + userCount + _0x1ece('0x99', 'GCnj')); return !![];}
function popu(_0xdb09f9, _0x46aea0, _0x485f5a = '') { let _0x1e48da = _0xdb09f9[_0x1ece('0x49', 'KMIK')]('//', '/')[_0x1ece('0xe9', 'JFL$')]('/')[0x1]; let _0x5bebdc = { 'url': _0xdb09f9, 'headers': _0x46aea0, 'timeout': 0x80e8 }; if (_0x485f5a) { _0x5bebdc[_0x1ece('0xec', 'eD1t')] = _0x485f5a; _0x5bebdc[_0x1ece('0x9', 'On7t')][_0x1ece('0x8b', 'aB!P')] = _0x485f5a[_0x1ece('0x6e', 'syo2')] || 0x0; } return _0x5bebdc;}async function httpRequest(_0xd96dc5, _0x25fba1) { httpResult = null, httpReq = null, httpResp = null; return new Promise(_0x21a4ba => { $['send'](_0xd96dc5, _0x25fba1, async (_0x100476, _0x33e0ef, _0x5c8e70) => { try { httpReq = _0x33e0ef; httpResp = _0x5c8e70; if (_0x100476) {} else { if (_0x5c8e70[_0x1ece('0x7b', 'o)zq')]) { if (typeof _0x5c8e70[_0x1ece('0x4', 'syo2')] == _0x1ece('0x4c', 'o)zq')) { httpResult = _0x5c8e70[_0x1ece('0x71', 'a0CT')]; } else { try { httpResult = JSON[_0x1ece('0x82', '5Tny')](_0x5c8e70[_0x1ece('0xb2', '4kWg')]); } catch (_0x1ad064) { httpResult = _0x5c8e70['body']; } } } } } catch (_0x34ecd0) { console[_0x1ece('0x4a', 'Qla7')](_0x34ecd0); } finally { _0x21a4ba(); } }); });}
function Env(_0x12f615, _0x55ba8e) { return _0x1ece('0x1c', 'jqUv') != typeof process && JSON['stringify'](process['env'])[_0x1ece('0xdd', 'W4&l')](_0x1ece('0x38', 'gfh#')) > -0x1 && process[_0x1ece('0x6d', 'aYGX')](0x0), new class { constructor(_0x1ed9b7, _0x1a60cb) { this[_0x1ece('0x69', 'NV)e')] = _0x1ed9b7, this[_0x1ece('0x17', '4kWg')] = '', this['startTime'] = new Date()[_0x1ece('0xd6', 'ezvo')](), Object[_0x1ece('0x16', 'KMIK')](this, _0x1a60cb), console[_0x1ece('0xc6', 'W0[E')](this[_0x1ece('0x9a', 'Y*1$')] + _0x1ece('0x3a', 'On7t')); } [_0x1ece('0xab', 'KMIK')]() { return _0x1ece('0x1d', '5Tny') != typeof module && !!module[_0x1ece('0x39', 'jqUv')]; } [_0x1ece('0x41', '3lkq')]() { return _0x1ece('0x19', 'Qla7') != typeof $task; } [_0x1ece('0x5c', 'oQW^')]() { return _0x1ece('0x3f', 'iBby') != typeof $httpClient && _0x1ece('0xfe', 'jId2') == typeof $loon; } ['isLoon']() { return _0x1ece('0xc7', 'W4&l') != typeof $loon; } [_0x1ece('0xd7', 'NV)e')](_0x23dbd1) { let _0x2c0b5a = this[_0x1ece('0x8f', 'Fp(6')](_0x23dbd1); if (/^@/ [_0x1ece('0xfc', '^PiV')](_0x23dbd1)) { let [, _0x1bf68b, _0x2dca21] = /^@(.*?)\.(.*?)$/ [_0x1ece('0x10', 'jhT1')](_0x23dbd1), _0x383917 = _0x1bf68b ? this[_0x1ece('0xd2', '*s@i')](_0x1bf68b) : ''; if (_0x383917) try { let _0x5155b3 = JSON[_0x1ece('0x91', 'yeP@')](_0x383917); _0x2c0b5a = _0x5155b3 ? this[_0x1ece('0x95', '1G33')](_0x5155b3, _0x2dca21, '') : _0x2c0b5a; } catch (_0x2ee5ac) { _0x2c0b5a = ''; } } return _0x2c0b5a; } [_0x1ece('0xb', '(i%B')](_0x436cfc, _0x5de255) { let _0x194783 = !0x1; if (/^@/ [_0x1ece('0x8', 'U*X&')](_0x5de255)) { let [, _0x564e77, _0x1512a4] = /^@(.*?)\.(.*?)$/ [_0x1ece('0x94', '!r%Y')](_0x5de255), _0x138805 = this[_0x1ece('0x100', '3lkq')](_0x564e77), _0x1f10c3 = _0x564e77 ? _0x1ece('0x22', '8MX%') === _0x138805 ? null : _0x138805 || '{}' : '{}'; try { let _0x2389d9 = JSON[_0x1ece('0x24', 'o)zq')](_0x1f10c3); this[_0x1ece('0x9f', '5Tny')](_0x2389d9, _0x1512a4, _0x436cfc), _0x194783 = this[_0x1ece('0x25', 'jId2')](JSON[_0x1ece('0x30', 'W0[E')](_0x2389d9), _0x564e77); } catch (_0x5ef1ed) { let _0x4f1bbe = {}; this[_0x1ece('0xc0', '1G33')](_0x4f1bbe, _0x1512a4, _0x436cfc), _0x194783 = this[_0x1ece('0x48', '*s@i')](JSON[_0x1ece('0x73', 'ezvo')](_0x4f1bbe), _0x564e77); } } else _0x194783 = this[_0x1ece('0x2e', '1G33')](_0x436cfc, _0x5de255); return _0x194783; } [_0x1ece('0xa1', 'yeP@')](_0x391a71) { return this['isSurge']() || this[_0x1ece('0x32', 'W4&l')]() ? $persistentStore[_0x1ece('0x93', 'Qla7')](_0x391a71) : this[_0x1ece('0x28', 'yeP@')]() ? $prefs[_0x1ece('0x78', '3)G]')](_0x391a71) : this[_0x1ece('0xd4', 'g^@q')]() ? (this['data'] = this[_0x1ece('0x60', '8MX%')](), this[_0x1ece('0x83', 'Fp(6')][_0x391a71]) : this[_0x1ece('0x4d', 'On7t')] && this[_0x1ece('0xa6', 'o)zq')][_0x391a71] || null; } [_0x1ece('0xef', 'pC%b')](_0x2fddaf, _0x3c5afc) { return this[_0x1ece('0xcf', 'GCnj')]() || this['isLoon']() ? $persistentStore[_0x1ece('0xe1', 'W4&l')](_0x2fddaf, _0x3c5afc) : this[_0x1ece('0xc4', 'xNY1')]() ? $prefs[_0x1ece('0x75', '5Tny')](_0x2fddaf, _0x3c5afc) : this[_0x1ece('0xa0', 'o)zq')]() ? (this[_0x1ece('0xb3', '*s@i')] = this[_0x1ece('0x60', '8MX%')](), this[_0x1ece('0xaa', 'KMIK')][_0x3c5afc] = _0x2fddaf, this[_0x1ece('0xeb', 'Fp(6')](), !0x0) : this[_0x1ece('0xd9', '3)G]')] && this['data'][_0x3c5afc] || null; } [_0x1ece('0x50', 'Qla7')](_0x287725, _0x24f0e1, _0x248638 = () => {}) { if (_0x1ece('0x77', 'ezvo') != _0x287725 && _0x1ece('0x76', 'syo2') != _0x287725 && _0x1ece('0x27', 'y9Ev') != _0x287725 && _0x1ece('0xda', 'ezvo') != _0x287725) { console[_0x1ece('0xa', 'NV)e')](_0x1ece('0x14', 'jId2') + _0x287725); return; } if (_0x1ece('0xf4', 'y9Ev') == _0x287725 && _0x24f0e1[_0x1ece('0x92', 'ZWf3')] ? (delete _0x24f0e1[_0x1ece('0xe0', '1G33')][_0x1ece('0xf6', 'g^@q')], delete _0x24f0e1['headers'][_0x1ece('0x3c', 'a0CT')]) : _0x24f0e1[_0x1ece('0x7f', 'Ou#z')] && _0x24f0e1[_0x1ece('0xe7', '^PiV')] && (_0x24f0e1[_0x1ece('0xc2', 'ezvo')][_0x1ece('0xd1', 'y9Ev')] || (_0x24f0e1[_0x1ece('0xc', '*s@i')][_0x1ece('0x26', 'jhT1')] = _0x1ece('0x58', 'yeP@'))), this[_0x1ece('0x37', 'X)J4')]() || this[_0x1ece('0xa2', 'U*X&')]()) { this['isSurge']() && this[_0x1ece('0x42', 'W0[E')] && (_0x24f0e1[_0x1ece('0x79', 'jId2')] = _0x24f0e1[_0x1ece('0xe0', '1G33')] || {}, Object['assign'](_0x24f0e1[_0x1ece('0xa5', 'oQW^')], { 'X-Surge-Skip-Scripting': !0x1 })); let _0x10e2e2 = { 'method': _0x287725, 'url': _0x24f0e1[_0x1ece('0x90', 'JFL$')], 'headers': _0x24f0e1[_0x1ece('0x23', '7ODl')], 'timeout': _0x24f0e1[_0x1ece('0x6b', '(i%B')], 'data': _0x24f0e1['body'] }; _0x1ece('0xd5', 'aYGX') == _0x287725 && delete _0x10e2e2[_0x1ece('0xee', 'vPNa')], $axios(_0x10e2e2)[_0x1ece('0x2f', 'U*X&')](_0x3df82e => { let { status: _0x21aae1, request: _0x5dd4e0, headers: _0x479bde, data: _0x210868 } = _0x3df82e; _0x248638(null, _0x5dd4e0, { 'statusCode': _0x21aae1, 'headers': _0x479bde, 'body': _0x210868 }); })[_0x1ece('0x2a', 'a0CT')](_0x5bfad8 => console[_0x1ece('0xfa', 'g*@D')](_0x5bfad8)); } else if (this[_0x1ece('0x59', 'NV)e')]()) _0x24f0e1[_0x1ece('0x85', '1G33')] = _0x287725[_0x1ece('0x5a', '*s@i')](), this[_0x1ece('0x6c', '5Tny')] && (_0x24f0e1['opts'] = _0x24f0e1[_0x1ece('0x74', 'X)J4')] || {}, Object[_0x1ece('0x9c', '3)G]')](_0x24f0e1['opts'], { 'hints': !0x1 })), $task['fetch'](_0x24f0e1)[_0x1ece('0xcb', 'NV)e')](_0x1e5452 => { let { statusCode: _0x559b7c, request: _0x23134d, headers: _0x30aaf9, body: _0x2d6c3c } = _0x1e5452; _0x248638(null, _0x23134d, { 'statusCode': _0x559b7c, 'headers': _0x30aaf9, 'body': _0x2d6c3c }); }, _0x14f394 => _0x248638(_0x14f394)); else if (this[_0x1ece('0xa8', 'U*X&')]()) { this[_0x1ece('0x56', '(i%B')] = this['got'] ? this[_0x1ece('0xd8', '5Tny')] : require(_0x1ece('0x5b', 'jId2')); let { url: _0x5b2f79, ..._0x112b42 } = _0x24f0e1; this[_0x1ece('0x6', 'GCnj')] = this['got'][_0x1ece('0x7a', 'J)QC')]({ 'followRedirect': !0x1 }), this[_0x1ece('0x103', 'y9Ev')][_0x287725](_0x5b2f79, _0x112b42)[_0x1ece('0x2f', 'U*X&')](_0x4898a5 => { let { statusCode: _0xf862bb, request: _0x5b6ecc, headers: _0x90d85a, body: _0x13191c } = _0x4898a5; _0x248638(null, _0x5b6ecc, { 'statusCode': _0xf862bb, 'headers': _0x90d85a, 'body': _0x13191c }); }, _0x2dfc79 => { let { message: _0x35f932, response: _0x8bccb6 } = _0x2dfc79; _0x248638(_0x35f932, _0x8bccb6, _0x8bccb6 && _0x8bccb6['body']); }); } } [_0x1ece('0xb9', 'Y*1$')](_0x55ed4b) { let _0x192eb4 = { 'M+': new Date()[_0x1ece('0xea', '8MX%')]() + 0x1, 'd+': new Date()['getDate'](), 'h+': new Date()[_0x1ece('0x2d', 'U*X&')](), 'm+': new Date()[_0x1ece('0xc8', '5Tny')](), 's+': new Date()[_0x1ece('0x47', '3)G]')](), 'q+': Math[_0x1ece('0x35', 'W4&l')]((new Date()[_0x1ece('0xa9', 'iBby')]() + 0x3) / 0x3), 'S': new Date()[_0x1ece('0x18', 'vPNa')]() }; for (let _0x1adb7a in (/(y+)/ ['test'](_0x55ed4b) && (_0x55ed4b = _0x55ed4b[_0x1ece('0x2', 'vPNa')](RegExp['$1'], (new Date()[_0x1ece('0x8a', 'NV)e')]() + '')[_0x1ece('0x61', 'On7t')](0x4 - RegExp['$1'][_0x1ece('0xa4', 'Ou#z')]))), _0x192eb4)) new RegExp('(' + _0x1adb7a + ')')[_0x1ece('0x7d', 'y9Ev')](_0x55ed4b) && (_0x55ed4b = _0x55ed4b[_0x1ece('0x2', 'vPNa')](RegExp['$1'], 0x1 == RegExp['$1']['length'] ? _0x192eb4[_0x1adb7a] : ('00' + _0x192eb4[_0x1adb7a])['substr'](('' + _0x192eb4[_0x1adb7a])[_0x1ece('0xdb', 'W0[E')]))); return _0x55ed4b; } async [_0x1ece('0xb0', 'g^@q')]() { if (!this[_0x1ece('0xcc', 'JFL$')]) return; let _0x3d3b3c = this['name'] + _0x1ece('0x63', 'pC%b') + this[_0x1ece('0xdf', 'KMIK')]; if ($[_0x1ece('0xc9', '^PiV')]()) { var _0x1750eb = require(_0x1ece('0xe8', 'J)QC')); console[_0x1ece('0xf0', 'On7t')](_0x1ece('0x9e', 'W4&l')), await _0x1750eb['sendNotify'](this['name'], _0x3d3b3c); } else this[_0x1ece('0xc1', 'J)QC')](_0x3d3b3c); } [_0x1ece('0x0', 'jhT1')](_0x30a56e) { console['log'](_0x30a56e), this[_0x1ece('0x7c', '^PiV')] += _0x30a56e, this[_0x1ece('0xbe', '*s@i')] += '\x0a'; } [_0x1ece('0xe6', '#o3o')](_0x37ce26 = t, _0x3c9800 = '', _0x48475d = '', _0x2f7cf0) { let _0xf9a25d = _0x13f0d6 => { if (!_0x13f0d6) return _0x13f0d6; if (_0x1ece('0x57', '(i%B') == typeof _0x13f0d6) return this[_0x1ece('0x101', '3lkq')]() ? _0x13f0d6 : this[_0x1ece('0x96', 'W4&l')]() ? { 'open-url': _0x13f0d6 } : this[_0x1ece('0xcf', 'GCnj')]() ? { 'url': _0x13f0d6 } : void 0x0; if (_0x1ece('0xba', 'jqUv') == typeof _0x13f0d6) { if (this[_0x1ece('0x53', 'NV)e')]()) { let _0x1064a6 = _0x13f0d6[_0x1ece('0xf5', 'eD1t')] || _0x13f0d6['url'] || _0x13f0d6[_0x1ece('0x66', '3jty')], _0x1152db = _0x13f0d6[_0x1ece('0xaf', 'xNY1')] || _0x13f0d6[_0x1ece('0xe2', 'U*X&')]; return { 'openUrl': _0x1064a6, 'mediaUrl': _0x1152db }; } if (this[_0x1ece('0x67', '7ODl')]()) { let _0x5c2172 = _0x13f0d6[_0x1ece('0x3e', '8MX%')] || _0x13f0d6[_0x1ece('0x72', 'J)QC')] || _0x13f0d6[_0x1ece('0xfd', 'gfh#')], _0x1d26d9 = _0x13f0d6[_0x1ece('0x21', 'jhT1')] || _0x13f0d6['mediaUrl']; return { 'open-url': _0x5c2172, 'media-url': _0x1d26d9 }; } if (this[_0x1ece('0xde', 'Y*1$')]()) return { 'url': _0x13f0d6[_0x1ece('0x29', 'g*@D')] || _0x13f0d6[_0x1ece('0x1b', '3lkq')] || _0x13f0d6[_0x1ece('0x6f', '#o3o')] }; } }; this[_0x1ece('0xe4', 'o)zq')] || (this['isSurge']() || this[_0x1ece('0x34', 'jId2')]() ? $notification[_0x1ece('0x102', 'J)QC')](_0x37ce26, _0x3c9800, _0x48475d, _0xf9a25d(_0x2f7cf0)) : this[_0x1ece('0x68', '1G33')]() && $notify(_0x37ce26, _0x3c9800, _0x48475d, _0xf9a25d(_0x2f7cf0))); let _0x481a8f = ['', _0x1ece('0xac', 'a0CT')]; _0x481a8f[_0x1ece('0x36', '*s@i')](_0x37ce26), _0x3c9800 && _0x481a8f[_0x1ece('0x5d', 'ZWf3')](_0x3c9800), _0x48475d && _0x481a8f[_0x1ece('0x64', 'eD1t')](_0x48475d), console[_0x1ece('0x54', '8MX%')](_0x481a8f[_0x1ece('0x81', 'syo2')]('\x0a')); } ['getMin'](_0x446528, _0x4db698) { return _0x446528 < _0x4db698 ? _0x446528 : _0x4db698; } ['getMax'](_0x29040f, _0x300432) { return _0x29040f < _0x300432 ? _0x300432 : _0x29040f; } [_0x1ece('0xd0', 'X)J4')](_0x1dc026, _0x51378d, _0x5181af = '0') { let _0x4b8a7b = String(_0x1dc026), _0x92ecd1 = _0x51378d > _0x4b8a7b[_0x1ece('0x46', '8MX%')] ? _0x51378d - _0x4b8a7b['length'] : 0x0, _0x521e1d = ''; for (let _0x491e95 = 0x0; _0x491e95 < _0x92ecd1; _0x491e95++) _0x521e1d += _0x5181af; return _0x521e1d + _0x4b8a7b; } [_0x1ece('0x89', 'y9Ev')](_0x426fe1, _0xbf0bbd, _0x19b843 = !0x1) { let _0x1b45cd = []; for (let _0x1639bb of Object[_0x1ece('0x86', 'g^@q')](_0x426fe1)[_0x1ece('0x31', 'vPNa')]()) { let _0x109fd8 = _0x426fe1[_0x1639bb]; _0x109fd8 && _0x19b843 && (_0x109fd8 = encodeURIComponent(_0x109fd8)), _0x1b45cd[_0x1ece('0x5f', '5Tny')](_0x1639bb + '=' + _0x109fd8); } return _0x1b45cd['join'](_0xbf0bbd); } [_0x1ece('0x5', 'gfh#')](_0x37366f, _0x5de3cb = !0x1) { let _0x47f3d8 = {}; for (let _0x4ec600 of _0x37366f[_0x1ece('0x97', '3jty')]('#')) { if (!_0x4ec600) continue; let _0x95c73a = _0x4ec600['indexOf']('='); if (-0x1 == _0x95c73a) continue; let _0x478beb = _0x4ec600[_0x1ece('0xae', 'Y*1$')](0x0, _0x95c73a), _0x5d186b = _0x4ec600['substr'](_0x95c73a + 0x1); _0x5de3cb && (_0x5d186b = decodeURIComponent(_0x5d186b)), _0x47f3d8[_0x478beb] = _0x5d186b; } return _0x47f3d8; } [_0x1ece('0xd', 'iBby')](_0x591173, _0x518a92 = _0x1ece('0x15', '3jty')) { let _0x276071 = ''; for (let _0x2bed6e = 0x0; _0x2bed6e < _0x591173; _0x2bed6e++) _0x276071 += _0x518a92[_0x1ece('0x4f', 'yeP@')](Math[_0x1ece('0x55', '4kWg')](Math[_0x1ece('0x1', 'vPNa')]() * _0x518a92['length'])); return _0x276071; } [_0x1ece('0x33', 'On7t')](_0x5c58ad) { let _0x13b7f6 = Math[_0x1ece('0x20', 'NV)e')](Math[_0x1ece('0xb5', 'g*@D')]() * _0x5c58ad['length']); return _0x5c58ad[_0x13b7f6]; } [_0x1ece('0xa3', 'g*@D')](_0x5c2a12) { return new Promise(_0x196b7c => setTimeout(_0x196b7c, _0x5c2a12)); } [_0x1ece('0xed', 'jId2')](_0x2582b0 = {}) { let _0x5e53fb = new Date()[_0x1ece('0xd3', 'U*X&')](), _0x403ac3 = (_0x5e53fb - this[_0x1ece('0xf8', 'gfh#')]) / 0x3e8; console[_0x1ece('0x54', '8MX%')]('\x0a' + this[_0x1ece('0x9b', 'Ou#z')] + _0x1ece('0xce', 'W4&l') + _0x403ac3 + _0x1ece('0x8c', 'iBby')), (this['isSurge']() || this[_0x1ece('0x3d', 'W0[E')]() || this['isLoon']()) && $done(_0x2582b0); } }(_0x12f615, _0x55ba8e);}




  1. 用户身份管理:通过环境变量或脚本内定义的reck变量保存用户的身份令牌(Authorization),支持多账号处理。

  2. 任务执行:模拟用户的水滴任务和签到任务。

  3. 环境检查:确保脚本运行在支持的平台上(如Surge、Loon、QuantumultX等)。

  4. 数据存储:支持将用户数据保存在文件或缓存中。

  5. 日志输出:将任务执行的结果和日志打印到控制台。


1. 脚本初始化

const $ = new Env('热度星客');


2. 变量管理

let ckName = 'reck';let userCookie = ($.isNode() ? process.env[ckName] : $.getdata(ckName)) || '';


3. 用户类定义


  • constructor:初始化用户数据,包括编号、Authorization头等。

  • task:依次执行水滴任务和签到任务。

  • water:发送请求模拟"水滴"任务。

  • sign:发送请求模拟签到。

4. 任务执行

!(async () => {    if (typeof $request !== 'undefined') {        await GetRewrite();    } else {        if (!await checkEnv()) return;        if (userList.length > 0) {            for (let user of userList) {                await user.task();            }        }    }})();

  • 如果检测到是网络请求,会调用GetRewrite保存相关的请求数据。

  • 否则,检查环境后,对所有用户依次执行任务。

5. 网络请求处理



  1. 反编译部分:脚本中有大量被混淆的代码(如_0x1ece函数及其映射表),这是为了保护脚本的核心逻辑。这些代码解析后主要用于动态字符串映射和解密。

  2. 环境兼容性:脚本兼容多种运行环境(如Node.js),需要根据实际使用环境调整变量配置。






最近,Tiktok平台解禁后,开店审核通过率高得惊人。 朋友刚刚分享,他的几十家本土店铺接连审核通过,显示出平台规则发生了重大变化。 这次调整对入驻流程、审核速度都有显著影响,但同时也隐藏着一些陷阱需要规避。 以下为详细解读: Tiktok解禁后审核变化 从严到宽 以前的审核...