
















'''# !/usr/bin/env python3# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-import osimport jsonimport randomimport timeimport requestsimport base64from datetime import datetimefrom Crypto.Cipher import AESfrom Crypto.Util.Padding import pad, unpad

open_id_all = ''if not open_id_all: open_id_all = os.getenv('yuanshen_hdyy')if not open_id_all: print('没有open_id,不执行') exit()activity_id = '1536'
headers = { 'Host': '007wxapi.hema.ren', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 NetType/WIFI MicroMessenger/ WindowsWechat(0x6309092b) XWEB/8555 Flue', 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'accept': '*/*', 'origin': 'https://hongdewx.rrshop.cc', 'sec-fetch-site': 'same-site', 'sec-fetch-mode': 'cors', 'sec-fetch-dest': 'empty', 'referer': 'https://hongdewx.rrshop.cc/', 'accept-language': 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.9',}

today = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')def get_all_spid(): if not os.path.exists('hdyy_spid'): with open('hdyy_spid', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write('{"111": "1536"}\n') with open('hdyy_spid', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: id_read = f.read() id_list = id_read.split('\n') id_list.reverse() for sp_dict in id_list: if sp_dict: sp_dict = json.loads(sp_dict).values() sp_id = list(sp_dict)[0] print('上一期的视频id:', sp_id)
data = { 'id': sp_id, 'user_id': '670511', } for i in range(int(sp_id), int(sp_id) + 200): data['id'] = str(i) response = requests.post('https://007wxapi.hema.ren/apiadmin/activity.Activity/ActivityIntro', headers=headers, data=data).json() if response['code'] == 200: if response['data']['company_id'] == 15 and today in response['data']['begin_time']: today_id = str(response['data']['id']) print('获取到今天的视频id', today_id) with open('hdyy_spid', 'a+', encoding='utf-8') as wf: wf.write(json.dumps({today: today_id}) + '\n') break else: print('没有获取到今天的视频id') break

with open('hdyy_spid', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: id_read = f.read()id_list = id_read.split('\n')id_list.reverse()for sp_dict in id_list: if sp_dict: sp_dict = json.loads(sp_dict) today_id = sp_dict.get(today) if today_id: activity_id = today_id breakelse: print('今天的视频id未找到,不允许脚本') exit()

proxies = {'http': '', 'https': ''}def modify_proxy(minute=5):    pass    
class AES_: def __init__(self): self.key = '*!RnOVwZXdpoHzCf' self.iv = '34mmPuV$Wy*L@VwU'
def AES_Encrypt(self, word, mode="CBC", padding="Pkcs7"): key = self.key.encode() iv = self.iv.encode() word = word.encode() cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv) encrypted = cipher.encrypt(pad(word, AES.block_size)) return base64.b64encode(encrypted).decode()
def AES_Decrypt(self, word, mode="CBC", padding="Pkcs7"): key = self.key.encode() iv = self.iv.encode() word = base64.b64decode(word) cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv) decrypted = unpad(cipher.decrypt(word), AES.block_size) return decrypted.decode()

aes = AES_()

def ksp_main(open_id, activity_id): def lingqian(nick_name, uid): for i in range(10): try: data = { 'activity_id': aes_activity, 'uid': aes_uid, 'openid': aes.AES_Encrypt(open_id), 'v': '1', } response = requests.post('https://007moneyapi.hema.ren/apiadmin/system.Shop/lingqianpay', headers=headers, data=data, proxies=proxies) if response.status_code == 200: print(f'{nick_name, open_id}--- {uid} 领钱结果 -----', response.text) if '0.3' in response.text: return True if '黑名单' in str(response): print('黑名单uid', uid) break else: print(f'领钱异常,重试第{i + 1}次----') except Exception as e: if 'proxy' in str(e).lower(): modify_proxy()
def login(open_id): data = { 'openid': open_id, } for i in range(5): try: response = requests.post('https://007wxapi.hema.ren/apiadmin/weixin.Fans/havefans', headers=headers, data=data, proxies=proxies) time.sleep(random.randint(1, 2)) if response.status_code == 200: return response.json() else: print(f'{open_id}登录异常,重试第{i + 1}次') except Exception as e: if 'proxy' in str(e).lower(): modify_proxy()
def get_timu_info(data): for i in range(5): try: response = requests.post('https://007wxapi.hema.ren/apiadmin/activity.Activity/ActivityIntro', headers=headers, data=data, proxies=proxies) if response.status_code == 200: response = response.json() minutes = response['data']['minutes'] question_id = response['data']['question_id'] answer = [] question_id_list = [] for question in response['data']['questionlist']: answer.append(question['answer']) question_id_list.append(str(question['id'])) answer_str = ','.join(answer) question_id_str = ','.join(question_id_list) print(f'minutes ------- {minutes}') print(f'question_id: {question_id} --------- answer:{answer_str}, quertion_id_list:{question_id_str}') time.sleep(random.randint(1, 6))
# 增加观看次数 data = { "id": uid, "sum": minutes } for i in range(5): try: response = requests.post('https://007wxapi.hema.ren/apiadmin/weixin.Fans/addview', headers=headers, data=data, proxies=proxies) if response.status_code == 200: break else: print(f'增加观看次数异常,重试{i + 1}次') except Exception as e: if 'proxy' in str(e).lower(): modify_proxy() return question_id, answer_str, question_id_str else: print(f'获取题目信息失败,重试第{i + 1}次') except Exception as e: if 'proxy' in str(e).lower(): modify_proxy()
def isBlack(uid): try: data = { 'id': str(uid), } response = requests.post('https://007wxapi.hema.ren/apiadmin/weixin.Fans/fansBlack', headers=headers, data=data, proxies=proxies).text if '是' in response: return True except Exception as e: if 'proxy' in str(e).lower(): modify_proxy(1)
response = login(open_id) print('登录信息:', response) if not response: return nick_name = response['data']['nick_name'] agent_id = str(response['data']['agent_id']) uid = str(response['data']['id'])
if isBlack(uid): print('黑名单uid', uid) return
aes_uid = aes.AES_Encrypt(uid) aes_agent = aes.AES_Encrypt(agent_id) aes_activity = aes.AES_Encrypt(activity_id)
def watch_sp(): # 加入观看 data = { 'id': aes_activity, 'user_id': aes_uid, 'agent_id': aes_agent, 'v': '1', } for i in range(5): time.sleep(random.randint(1, 3)) try: response = requests.post('https://007wxapi.hema.ren/apiadmin/activity.Activity/addviews', headers=headers, data=data, proxies=proxies).json() print(response) if response['code'] == 200: break except Exception as e: if 'proxy' in str(e).lower(): modify_proxy() time.sleep(random.randint(1, 3))
# 获取时长 data = { 'id': activity_id, 'user_id': '670511', } question_id, answer_str, question_list = get_timu_info(data)
# 观看完毕 data = { 'user_id': aes_uid, 'minutes': '++vQ0ZiPuBHGbeghf1n85A==', 'begin_time': '/VwyeTAEXp93S4zwYu950Q==', 'end_time': '/VwyeTAEXp93S4zwYu950Q==', 'status': 'FsonAzkH9vNdNNYcTlxnKA==', 'activity_id': aes_activity, 'v': '1', } for i in range(10): try: response = requests.post('https://007wxapi.hema.ren/apiadmin/log.ActivityUser/activityLog', headers=headers, data=data, proxies=proxies).json() print(response) if response['code'] == 200: act_data = { 'id': activity_id, 'user_id': uid, } requests.post('https://007wxapi.hema.ren/apiadmin/log.ActivityUser/activityActivity', headers=headers, data=act_data, proxies=proxies) break else: print(f'观看异常,重试{i + 1}次') except Exception as e: if 'proxy' in str(e).lower(): modify_proxy() time.sleep(random.randint(1, 6))
print('开始答题 ------') # 答题 data = { 'activity_id': aes_activity, 'user_id': aes_uid, 'question_id': aes.AES_Encrypt(str(question_id)), 'list_id': aes.AES_Encrypt(question_list), 'answer': aes.AES_Encrypt(answer_str), 'answer_correct': 'FGr1FPfkapWQwir/fKh62A==', 'correct': aes.AES_Encrypt(answer_str), 'num': 'FsonAzkH9vNdNNYcTlxnKA==', 'v': '1', } for i in range(2): try: resp = requests.post('https://007wxapi.hema.ren/apiadmin/log.QuestionUser/questionLog', headers=headers, data=data, proxies=proxies) if resp.status_code == 200: break else: print(f'答题失败,重试{i + 1}次, {resp.text}') time.sleep(1) except Exception as e: if 'proxy' in str(e).lower(): modify_proxy() time.sleep(random.randint(1, 5))
data = { 'id': uid, 'correct': '1', } for i in range(5): try: resp = requests.post('https://007moneyapi.hema.ren/apiadmin/weixin.Fans/addanswer', headers=headers, data=data, proxies=proxies) if resp.status_code == 200: break except Exception as e: if 'proxy' in str(e).lower(): modify_proxy() time.sleep(random.randint(1, 3)) for i in range(3): try: data = { 'id': uid, 'red': '0.3', }
response = requests.post('https://007wxapi.hema.ren/apiadmin/weixin.Fans/addred', headers=headers, data=data, proxies=proxies) if response.status_code == 200: break except Exception as e: if 'proxy' in str(e).lower(): modify_proxy() time.sleep(random.randint(1, 3)) watch_sp() lingqian(nick_name, uid)

def main_thread(open_id): try: ksp_main(open_id, activity_id) except Exception as e: print(e) print(f'open_id ----> {open_id} 执行报错 !!!!!!!')

for open_id in open_id_all.split('@'): main_thread(open_id)




  1. 自动登录:通过微信OpenID自动登录,获取用户的具体信息。

  2. 自动参与活动:通过调用相关API自动参与指定的活动。

  3. 自动领取奖励:实现自动领取活动奖励,例如小额红包。

  4. 黑名单管理:检查用户是否被加入黑名单,避免被封号的账户参与。

  5. 更新活动信息:自动检测并更新活动的ID和相关数据,确保脚本的活动信息是最新的。

  6. 自动增加观看次数:自动增加一定的观看次数来满足活动条件。


  • get_all_spid():获取和更新活动的ID,它从一个本地文件读取最近的活动ID,如果是新的一天,则会请求服务器来获取新的活动ID,并更新本地文件。

  • ksp_main():这是主要的功能函数,它处理登录、参与活动、领取奖励等任务。内部包括了多个嵌套函数,用于处理登录、答题、观看视频、增加观看次数和领取奖励等。

    • login():通过OpenID登录,获取用户信息。

    • watch_sp():模拟用户观看视频,包括获取题目信息、答题、增加观看次数和更新观看日志。

    • lingqian():尝试多次领取奖励,如遇黑名单或其他错误将终止尝试。

  • main_thread():为每个OpenID创建一个主线程,调用ksp_main()执行具体的操作。











在当前经济形势下,不论在哪里都很难找到稳定工作,尤其是40、50之后,在城市漂泊了大半辈子,很多40岁左右的老乡们都动了返乡的念头。 如果说做生意能一天收入几千块,那就是一个非常不错的项目了,如果说在小县城,乡镇那确实是有一点困难。 今天我这里推荐几个小生意项目,即使在农村做...